Principal's News

Prayer: A Prayer for Peace
Lord Jesus Christ,You are the true King of peace.
In You alone is found freedom.
Please free our world from conflict.
Bring unity to troubled nations.
Let Your glorious peace reign in every heart.
Dispel all darkness and evil.Protect the dignity of every human life.
Replace hatred with Your love.
Give wisdom to world leaders.
Free them from selfish ambition.
Eliminate all violence and war.
Dear Families,
Whilst it will be a short week for us at school after the long weekend, much has happend already and tonight we look forward to our first School Disco in some time. Thank you to all involved as I am sure it will be a great night for our children. As I have mentioned before, our Parents & Friends group is an extremely important part of the school community and whilst often this can mean a few people doing a lot of work I am really hoping that from next year we will see some new faces willing and able to contribute to our school fundraising and community activities. Early next year we will send out a form asking for your support and I encourage you to consider ways, big or small, that you are able to contribute to our already wonderful community.
Farewell Ms Brown
Tomorrow we will farewell Ms Brown who begins her maternity leave and I am sure I speak for all of us in saying how much she will be missed. We wish her all the very best in the lead up to the birth of her baby and look forward to a visit early next year. Ms Rebecca will replace Maddie and so we are very lucky to have someone who already knows our school and many of the children in the 1/2 class.
Staffing 2025
As we know, each year, for various reasons we may see some changes in staffing for the year ahead. Next year we will have several changes and in the coming weeks I will announce these as we are still in the process of interviewing for some teaching positions at Trinity.
Building 2025
As communicated last term we were very fortunate to succesfully apply for and win a school improvement grant of approximatley $2.4million dollars. I will be meeting with architects next week to re-look at the school Master Plan which was developed a number of years ago and will need to be reviewed in light of current costs and school needs. It is an exciting project to be starting but will of course involve some inconvenience and forward planing but will no doubt be very well worth it in the end.
Prep 2025 Transition Day 2
On Wednesday we hosted the second of our Prep 2025 Transition mornings and we spent time with the parents of these children working our way through the Prep Parent Handbook. There is a great buzz amongst this group of parents, most of whom are beginning this primary school journey for the first time. Thankyou to all those current parents who have reached out to our new families as this hospitality and welcome has been mentioned to me several times already.
Limited Places at Simmonds college for 2026
Brazilian Jiu Jistu Classes
Aly, one of our parents has opened a new Brazilian Jiu Jistu Academy and would love to welcome new families to check it out.
Classroom Cuisine - Online Lunch Orders
Classroom Cuisine LOGIN HERE. Register to begin ordering.
Download Menu and Pricing
There are many important events throughout the term so please keep an eye on the school calendar.
Secondary Schools - St Mary's College- BOOK A TOUR HERE
Playgroup @ Trinity Primary School
We encourage all those with pre-school children aged 0-6 years to attend these wonderful sessions.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send Ms Kate Foley an email.
- Dance Factory - Dance Classes
- EXTEND - Out of Hours School Care
- FC Melbourne X Strike Soccer Local soccer club in Richmond
Get in contact to learn more! Join our exciting club teams in 2024
text or call 0405 765 943 - First Year Registration is FREE
Last chance to buy 2024 Concert videos!
Nigel Rodrigues