Grade 2
In our math lessons we have been learning about measurement. We have been looking at using informal units to measure the length, mass and capacity of objects around us. In a few weeks time we will be reviewing our knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication & division.
Initialit In literacy, our focus this week has been on the ‘or’ ‘ore ‘au’ ‘aw’ sounds and spelling rules. During our comprehension lessons we have also looked at monitoring our reading to ensure what we read is making sense.
Please make sure your children are practising their spelling words, doing some reading and completing their Maths Online Tasks over the week. If you need your children’s passwords for Maths Online again, please email their teacher!
Humanities & Wellbeing:
During our Wellbeing lessons we have been learning about gender-safe classrooms as well as our personal preferences. This has allowed us to keep everyone safe in the classroom. In integrated we are looking at natural and constructed resources and how important they are in our everyday lives.