Initia Lit – Reading
Over the past fortnight in Reading, students continued reading and writing sentences with our three new digraph sounds - /wh/ as in whale, /th/ as in thumb, and /oo/ as in moon. We have also learnt some new tricky words - ‘where,’ and ‘what.’ These new tricky words have been incorporated into both reading and writing exercises.
Our Storybook sessions featured “Gorilla” by Anthony Browne. Students engaged with the text by identifying words such as 'tingling,' 'gently,' and 'thrilled,' discussing their meanings and acting them out. They also demonstrated their understanding by retelling events from the story and making connections.
In addition, we have been learning new strategies to tell the difference between some tricky letters, ‘h’ ,‘n’ and ‘p’ ‘q’. We have also continued counting syllables in words. Syllables are the beats in a word, and we have practised finding them by placing our hands under our chin, and feeling our chin go down on our hand when we say a word. We are getting so confident and cannot wait to show you these tricks.
Finally, we have continued tracing, copying and building sentences, and using sentence stems to come up with our own sentences. We have focused on including capital letters at the start of a sentence, finger spaces between words and a full stop at the end.
Maths -
In Maths over the past fortnight students have been revising teen numbers and how these can be represented in different ways, including; numerals, in a tens frame and as a collection. Students have also started a new unit about addition where they are focusing on adding to groups of objects together by using the words ‘and’ and ‘is’.
Integrated -
This term in Integrated, students have commenced a new unit on living things where they will learn about plants and animals. This week, students have been introduced to plants and the types of plants that we can see around the school. Students were taken outside to draw and record the different plants they could find.
In Respectful Relationships, students have been discussing their own personal likes and dislikes, as well as being able to have preference in different situations. During this lesson, the Prep students have also been learning about the importance of recognising that sometimes they will like the same things as their friends and that sometimes they will like different things (and that is OK).