Dear Parents/Carers and Students
It is great to be having some warmer weather which has helped everyone to be in high spirits leading to a positive start to Term 4! For our Junior School students, this means around a month remains in the 2024 academic year before our Early Commencement program begins on Monday 25 November. This will provide students with an opportunity to commence their new subjects and form relationships with their new peers and teachers ahead of the summer break.
It is important that students make the most of these remaining weeks in their Years 7 and 8 classes. There will likely be a number of assessments for each subject as well as the Maths Exam on Wednesday 20 November, so we encourage students to effectively utilise their diaries to record key dates and to assist with time management.
As previously advised, on Monday 25 November we begin our Early Commencement program, where students commence their new classes for the new academic year. The last day of Early Commencement classes for current Years 7, 8 and 9 students is Monday 9 December. End of Year Activities program will be held on Thursday 12 December and Friday 13 December.
Mr John Simon
Campus Principal
Looking ahead
Included below is a list of key days that could use useful for Years 7 and 8 families.