Learning Space News

Year 5/6
Year 5 students have been busy working on their narratives for their passion projects. Ensuring that it contains well developed characters and settings. They have already completed their explanation containing facts and detail of how or why something relating to their passion works. They will continue to publish different writing pieces over the upcoming weeks.
Students have been exploring texts created by Tristan Bancks and Dean Rankine this term. They have read excerpts from books including; 'Ginger Meggs', 'My Life and Other Failed Experiments', 'Death Metal Emo Elves' and 'Timmy the Ticked-Off Pony and the Poo of Excitement', written by Magda Szubanski and illustrated by Dean Rankine.
These texts have inspired students to add humour, illustrations and descriptive language into their own writing to develop their own ideas and engage their audience.
Term 4 is an exciting term for all kids at ARPS, but the Year 6s are now going off to high school very soon! All the kids in Year 6 are currently planning their graduation, they have been making character profiles, narratives, and many more special pieces of work! There are also special things that will take place during graduation, like the Year 6 Graduation Dinner and Ceremony! - Andre, Year 6 Blogger
Students have been using their multiplication facts knowledge to simplify fractions before adding, subtracting and sorting them from smallest to largest - discussing which piece of cake they would prefer; ⅕ or ⅛. They have converted fractions to decimals and percentages and explored fractions of a collection. Some students have calculated the amount they would be required to pay for an item if it was reduced by 25%.
In the 5/6 Learning Space, we have been all participating in the 'Time Tables Rock Star' event, which ended on 25th October. In Mr Calvett’s group, students hauled through the questions so it seemed like their class would win, right? Wrong, Miss Halliwell’s group somehow managed to win by 10 points considering how the tables were against them, some students said they woke up at 6:00am to get as many points as possible which is an example of how determined they were.
Some interesting things that occurred during the 'Time Tables Rock Star' event were teachers sabotaging each other and taking their kids to try and slow down their progress in the event, but in the end Miss Halliwell’s Maths Group won the competition. Many kids hopped on the event during their own free time at home, or squeezed in a few more minutes in class, helping boost their group's progress! - Derek & Louis (Year 6 Bloggers)
Students are continuing work in small groups, developing their ideas and items to sell at our upcoming Market Day. Each group created a business pitch including; making a prototype of their product, activity or arcade game, listing materials needed and a suggested price they would expect students at Athol Road to pay to play their game or purchase their product.
Students will begin promoting Market Day and their stall over the next couple of weeks, sharing their advertising campaign with the school. Advertisements will include posters, similar to a billboard, catchy slogan and musical jingle.
The Year 5/6 Market Day will be held on Thursday 12 December 2024. More information will be provided to the community closer to the date.
Students have created their prototypes of flowers, key chains and gadgets, nail art and cartoon drawings to purchase at our upcoming Market Day.
Interschool Sports district Finals
Below is a report about the interschool sport finals written by Andre, Year 6 Blogger.
Volleyball was played up against Harrisfield Primary School and Heatherhill Primary School. The Volleyball A team played terrific against Harrisfield's A team. They had sadly won the first set but lost the second set. Athol Road had caught up on the second set and now the pressure was on the A team. The scores were tied but in the end, the scores were 16-18 and Athol road had gotten a devastating loss that had made many very disappointed and upset with 2-1 sets. The B team had also had a very annoying loss at 3-0 sets.
Hot Shots Tennis were up against Lighthouse and had also had a very close game with a score of 5-7 games. The Hot Shots team played very well, especially Steven H and Jason N.