From the Principal

Thank You for making our Melbourne Cup Celebration a Success!
A big thank you to everyone in our school community for making our annual Melbourne Cup Celebration such a fantastic success this year! This event has become a highlight on our school calendar and continues to grow bigger and better each year, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of students, staff, and families.
It was wonderful to see such high engagement across both the morning and afternoon activities. The Fashions on the Field in the morning were a real treat, with so many students and staff getting involved in showcasing their stylish outfits and creative accessories. It was clear that everyone, including the kindergarten, the parents and the toddlers, all enjoyed getting into the spirit of the event!
The afternoon was just as exciting, with the tabloid sports and races offering a fun-filled mix of competition and camaraderie. The student races were full of energy, with everyone giving their best effort and cheering each other on. The parent and staff races were particularly entertaining, with plenty of laughter as parents and teachers took to the track.
This day was a perfect opportunity to come together as a community—to have fun, make connections, and celebrate all that makes Athol Road Primary School so special. We were certainly blessed with beautiful sunshine, which made the day even more enjoyable.
Once again, thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered, or simply came along to cheer and celebrate! See page 3 for highlights of the day!
Exciting News: Student Wellbeing Day Coming in 2024!
We are thrilled to announce that in 2024, our school will be holding another Student Wellbeing Day on Monday 18th November. This is a special day dedicated to celebrating and acknowledging the importance of children's mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
At Athol Road Primary School, we believe that the wellbeing of our students is just as important as their academic success. Our aim is to create a supportive environment where every child feels valued, connected, and empowered to look after their own wellbeing. This day will be an opportunity for students to explore self-care, resilience, positive mental health, and fostering a sense of community. The day will highlight the importance of reaching out for help when needed, and we will share resources for students and families to continue fostering mental and emotional health at home.
The Student Wellbeing Day is a Free Dress Day and will feature a range of exciting activities designed to promote mindfulness, healthy habits, promote kindness and explore friendships. Students will participate in fun, interactive workshops and games that encourage them to reflect on their feelings, practise gratitude, and learn strategies to build positive relationships.
In addition to the wellbeing learning activities, there will be:
- Free Pizza Lunch for everyone in Kinder – Year 6: all children will receive a large slice of Margarita Pizza, Juice Drink and a Zooper Dooper.
- Free Kaboom Sports Incursion for all children in Kinder – Year 6: all children will participate in interactive sport and games from 2.00pm – 3.30pm. No matter the skill level, all children will be given the opportunity to enhance their skills in cooperation, leadership, teamwork and resilience while enjoying movement and fitness.
We are excited to bring the Student Wellbeing Day back in 2024 and look forward to seeing our students develop valuable skills that will help them navigate the challenges of growing up, both in school and beyond. Together, let’s make wellbeing a priority for all our students and continue building a nurturing school community where every child can thrive.
Reminder: Friday 15th November is a Student Free Day.
Students from Foundation – Year 6 do not come to school on Friday 15th November as this day is an Assessment and Reporting Professional Practice Day for teachers.
Please note:
- There will be NO OUT OF SCHOOL HOURS CARE on this day
- 3 Year old Kindergarten Program will operate as normal on this day
Carmel Nigro