Student Inclusion & Wellbeing

Lunch with Leadership
On Wednesday, students were invited to have lunch with the Principals of Lysterfield. These termly lunches are an initiative of the Student Voice Council (SVC) to give students a voice regarding their school experiences.
While sharing a delicious meal, students asked questions to get to know the Principals better and offered their suggestions on how to improve the school.
Example of the questions asked:
- Why can't we have chickens at the school?
- Can Preps to Grade 2 join the Green Team?
- What happened to having a therapy dog at the school?
- Do we have enough money to repair the soccer pitch?
- How old is Mr Wight?
- How long has the school been around for?
- Can we have more time on the playground?
- Can we have a basketball court for grade 1's?
- Can the canteen be open every day?
We look forward to the next Lunch with Leadership which will occur later in Term 4. Students will be asked to self-nominate if they are interested in attending the lunch, and then names will be randomly selected for each year group. We look forward to lunching with the students again.
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