From the Principal

Dear LPS Families and Friends,
Earlier this year we made the announcement that funds raised from 2023 and 2024 would be put towards the refurbishment of the soccer pitch. This is a very costly exercise with the total cost estimated to be close $90000. I am pleased to announce that through the hard work of the PFA and your generous support of the school, along with our careful financial management, we will be completing this work over the school holidays.
We have worked with both Mr Thomas, who uses the area regularly for PE, and also the installer to ensure we get a design that is functional for our students and will require less repair/maintenance over time.
We look forward to these works being completed over the end-of-year holidays so that we can start the new year with a brand new play area.
Planning for the build of our new kinder is well underway with design meetings happening regularly, all working towards the facility being open for the 2026 school year. As Principal of the school, we don't have much input into the design of the kinder, but we do have a part to play in ensuring that the planning for the new facility doesn't have a significant negative impact on our school operations and the grounds for our students to use moving forward.
Below is an image that shows the location of the kindergarten on our current school site.
As you can see, the kindergarten will be built towards Lakesfield Drive and near where our portables are located. The carpark for the new kinder will be built where the fitness track is currently located and will not be accessible for our families, however we don't believe there will be any negative impact on the current parking outside the school.
Below are some considerations that we are working through with the architects:
- One of our portables needs to be moved.
- The two portables will end up facing each other
- This is unlikely to happen over the December holidays
- It may happen during the school term, this will be something we try to avoid however we will have a plan in case this is unavoidable
- The fitness track will be removed
- we are currently working to choose a space for a new play area
- this is covered in the cost of the kindergarten build and will have no impact on school finances
- it is likely that we will be getting a new playground, rather than moving the current equipment
As this year ends and the new school year begins I will continue to keep you updated on this and other building projects. There are some other projects in the early planning stages that we hope to announce before the end of the year.
The end of year will be on us before we know it and planning for 2025 is underway. If there is anyone who has not yet enrolled, or knows someone who hasn’t, please encourage them to do so immediately. Likewise, if for any reason you are not returning to LPS in 2025, please advise the office in writing ASAP.
In the past, we have received a small number of requests for children to not be placed with other children. These requests are considered on a yearly basis, meaning that a request in prep can not be considered for the entirety of a child's schooling. Please also be advised that the requests need to specifically relate to your child, not a general concern.
If you believe you have information about your child related to these issues that need to be considered for class placement for 2024, and you think your child’s teacher is not aware of it, please put the information in writing to me via the school email or drop it off at the office by Friday 10th November. Requests for specific teachers will not be considered.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Adam Wight \ Principal