Year 4/5/6

The students in 4/5/6 have been having an exciting and productive few weeks, with lots of engaging activities in both their tennis practice and maths lessons.
Friday Tennis Practice
Every Friday, our class has been looking forward to our tennis practice, where the students have been honing their skills, particularly in serving. Tennis has been a great opportunity for students to develop both their physical coordination and teamwork skills, while also enjoying some outdoor fun. It’s fantastic to see how they’ve been supporting each other, improving their technique, and staying motivated throughout the sessions.
Through this activity, students have been working towards meeting the following NSW PDHPE outcomes:
- PDHPE Outcome S2.7: Students demonstrate basic movement skills and apply them in a range of activities.
- PDHPE Outcome S3.4: Students identify and apply strategies for participating in physical activities safely and effectively.
Mathematics: Addition and Subtraction with Large Numbers
In our maths lessons over the past two weeks (Weeks 4 and 5), the students have been diving into addition and subtraction with large numbers. This is a challenging area, but the class has been tackling it head-on. The students are not only becoming more confident with solving problems but are also getting really good at explaining their strategies. They're showing great progress in using efficient methods to solve complex problems, and it’s exciting to see their confidence grow as they master these skills.
The work they’ve been doing aligns with the following NSW Mathematics outcomes:
- MA2-4NA: Recognise and represent multiplication and division as repeated addition and subtraction, respectively, and apply strategies for solving problems.
- MA2-6NA: Solve problems involving addition and subtraction with large numbers, using efficient mental and written strategies.
Both tennis and maths have been such important parts of our learning journey, and it's wonderful to see how engaged and enthusiastic the students have been.