Dates to Remember

Tuesday 4th March - Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)


Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday

                                             - Diocesan Swimming Carnival


Friday 7th March - Tennis


Tuesday 11th March - Diocesan Touch Trials


Wednesday 12th March - P&F AGM

                                                  - NAPLAN


Thursday 13th March - NAPLAN


Friday 14th March - NAPLAN


Saturday 15th March - Tumba Show

Sunday 16th March - Tumba Show


Monday 17th March - Sculpture by the Sea


Thursday 20th March - Year 4/5/6 Leadership Camp


Friday 21st March - Year 4/5/6 Leadership Camp

                                      - Tennis


Monday 24th March - Catholic Schools Week Commences 


Tuesday 25th March - All Saints' Cross Country


Wednesday 26th March - Whole School Assembly


Wednesday 8th April - Diocesan Cross Country


Thursday 10th April - Stations of the Cross


Friday 11th April  - Last Day of Term 1


Friday 18th April - Good Friday

Sunday 20th April - Easter Sunday

Monday 21st - Easter Monday

Friday 25th April - ANZAC Day


Wednesday 30th April - 1st Day of term 2