Middle School

House Athletics Carnival Dates

Monday 3 March - 800/3000m Events

The House athletics events for the 800m and 3000m for senior students will be on Monday 3 Marchat the Domain Athletics Centre. A bus will pick up students at the following times:

1pm: Year 7/8 students collected from the Argyle st bus stop (near the courts).

Buses will return to the Senior School by 3.15pm.


Thursday 6 March - 7-12 Athletics Carnival 

There are no formal classes on this day. Students must sign in at the desk as you enter the front gate. All students are encouraged to participate in the carnival or to provide service on the day. Click here to view the program. Carnival information can be viewed here.

Year 7 Beach and Bike Days

Year 7 students will be attending two Outdoor Education Day Trips within the next few months.  The March days are listed below.  An Operoo has been sent out this week with information for March and May dates.


Reminder:  Drop off and pickup from Bell St Campus (8.30am to 3.30pm).

  • Monday 3 March Penn (Bike / walk)
  • Monday 3 March Mott (Beach / Coasteering)
  • Wednesday 5 March Oats (Bike / Walk)
  • Wednesday 5 March Backhouse (Beach / Coasteering)
  • Friday 7 March Walker (Bike / Walk)
  • Friday 7 March Fry (Beach / Coasteering)

Please ensure any medication is handed directly to a staff member on the morning of the excursion (at Bell Street) with written instructions included.  A reminder that an asthma puffer or Epipen must be in-date and carried at all times by the student.


More information about the Outdoor Education programs can be accessed by the student and viewed with the family.  The recent Operoo has a link to a google site that has extra information about the Beach and Bike Day.  

Metro Bus Travel - Courtesy and Respect for other Bus Users and Pedestrians

The School has been notified of concerns around respectful and safe use of Metro buses by some students in and around the CBD. We are sharing these concerns with our students and ask that you support a conversation at home if your child uses a Metro bus service. We encourage students to speak with their Key Teachers if they are worried about anything related to bus travel.

Smith Family - Student2Student Reading Program 2025

The student2student program works by matching students who need to improve their reading with peer Buddies who help and encourage them with their reading. Peer support is central to the program’s success. Each student and Buddy read two to three times a week for at least 20 minutes, over an 18 week period. The student2student digital model enables students to connect using a website called Chatty Kids. Students read eBooks provided on the site and use the Voice over IP function to speak to their Buddy.


Phase/Cohort 2 – Years 7-10

The Key Dates for recruitment and training of students for Student2student this year:

  • Friday 2 May - Application forms due
  • Friday 16 May - Buddy Training (aprox 1 hour)
  • 19 May to 26 September - Reading Period

Please contact Karina Churchill to indicate your interest or if you have any questions.

Buddy Application Form Link here.

Relay For Life Bake Sale 

Friday 14 March

In support of our Relay for Life fundraiser, the Middle School is running a bake sale during recess on the Friday 14 of March in the Mark Curtis Foyer. In support of this, we would appreciate it if families could donate baked goods which can be sold for $2 a piece. 


All items should be taken to the Middle School Office on the day of the sale including a list of ingredients (no nuts). We would appreciate your support in bringing our school community together for a good cause.

Middle School House Colours Day!

Wednesday 6 March

The Student Voice Council will be running a House Colours Day. Accessorise your sports uniform with House Colours; with the Athletics carnival the next day, it’s a perfect time to create the perfect House outfit to show your pride! 


We ask for a gold coin donation to participate, with all funds going to the Relay For Life Friendlies team. Best dressed wins a prize at our lunchtime catwalk!

Relay for Life 2025 – Sign Up With The Friendlies Team

This year’s Relay for Life will be held at the Domain Athletics Centre at the earlier dates of Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 March. 


All students from Years 5-12 are invited to join our team and walk for an hour or more (between 1pm - 11pm Saturday and 6am - 9am Sunday) with team Friendlies to help raise money and awareness in support of the Cancer Council Tasmania.  


Please register with our team Friendlies here.  More information will be shared by Operoo closer to the event. If you have any questions please contact Liesa.

NAPLAN - Years 3, 5, 7 and 9

For those families with students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, NAPLAN assessments will be held in March. The NAPLAN assessments will be conducted online (with the exception of Year 3 Writing, which remains paper-based). The NAPLAN assessments in Primary, Middle and Senior Secondary School will take place between Wednesday 12 March and Monday 24 March. 


Further information and specifics on the tests and timing will be provided to families with students in these year levels soon. In the meantime, more information for parents regarding Naplan Online can be found here  Please contact John Hoggart for Year 7 questions.


If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Middle School Office (phone: 6210 2235, or email: middleschooloffice@friends.tas.edu.au ). We appreciate your support in this process.

Important Dates:

Friday, 28 February - Year 8 Beach Day (Tuke & Preston)

Monday 24 February - Scholarship Applications Close

Monday 24 February - Key Class Representative Applications Close

Wednesday 26 February - Meet the Key Teacher  (6pm to 7.30pm)

Monday 3 March - Beach & Bikes Day (Mott & Penn)

Wednesday 5 March - Beach & Bikes (Backhouse & Oats)

Wednesday 5th March - House Colours Day (accessorise your sports uniform for a gold coin donation!)

Thursday 6 March - Year 7 to 12 Athletics (Domain)

Friday 7 March - Beach & Bikes (Fry & Walker)

Monday 10 March - Eight Hour Holiday

Tuesday 11 March - SSATIS Athletics Carnival at Domain

Saturday 29 March - Relay for Life  (Sign-up to Friendlies Team)