Primary School


Monday 3 March 

Our next Primary School Assembly will take place on Monday 3 March in The Farrall Centre and will commence at 2.15pm. We welcome members of our community to attend. Please remember that due to privacy concerns and to respect the photo permission choices of other families we ask you to refrain from taking photos and videos during assemblies.

Thursday Afternoon Fun in the Library for Primary School Families!

The Primary School Library will be open until 4.00pm every Thursday afternoon from 13 March to the end of term. This will be a time for parents/guardians and their children to borrow books, play games and puzzles or enjoy time reading together. Library staff will be available to provide recommendations of good books for your child to read, or to answer questions about the library program. We hope you and your child can join us. Sharon Ryan and Catherine Duffett, Teacher Librarians.

Years 4 & 6 Swimming & Water Safety Program

The Years 4 and 6 Learn to Swim program will be held at Friends’ Health & Fitness pool from Monday 3 March - Friday 7 March. Any enquiries please contact Lisa Di Venuto.

Year 2 OE Excursion - kunanyi/ Mt Wellington and Margate

Tuesday 4 March

On Tuesday 4 March Year 2HO and 2CM will be going on an Outdoor Education excursion to follow the journey of a raindrop. The students will follow the North West Bay River from its source on kunanyi/Mount Wellington all the way to its mouth in Margate. Parts of the journey will be on foot, other parts will be on a bus. Year 2 class teachers will accompany their classes with the assistance of Outdoor Education Teacher Emily Ardas. We will depart school at 9.00am and return to school by approximately 3.00pm. Students will need to wear their sports uniform and bring their hat and warm clothes on this day as it could be cold, this includes a warm jumper (wool, polar fleece or puffer jacket), warm pants (track pants or fleece pants), beanie, gloves and a waterproof raincoat. As we will be away from school for most of the day, students will need to bring a large packed lunch (no lunch orders), snacks and a water bottle from home and any required medications for the day. Could parents please update Operoo if necessary.

Year 5 - Learning Days at Bell Street Grounds

Thursday 6 and Friday 7 March

As part of our unit of inquiry into ‘Who We Are’ and our focus on resilience, the Year 5 cohort will do their learning at the School’s Bell Street Grounds on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 March. Students will be walking to and from school, departing at 9.00am and returning to school by 3.10pm. Whilst at Bell Street students will participate in activities which challenge their resilience. They will be working collaboratively to achieve these tasks and will be asked to use both team and individual strategies that involve gratitude, empathy, mindfulness and growth-mindset. They will be asked to check in with their emotions throughout the process and identify areas for personal growth. The activities will also provide an opportunity to reflect on and express how their emotions changed throughout the tasks. 


Students should bring a packed lunch, morning and afternoon tea, a drink bottle and hat. NO CANTEEN ORDERS ON THESE DAYS. Sunscreen will be provided throughout the day and the students are invited to wear their P.E. uniform for this excursion, including appropriate walking shoes.

Relay for Life

Year 5 and 6 students are invited to join our School Team “Friendlies” in participating in the Relay for Life on the afternoon of Saturday 29 March at the Domain Athletics Centre. For more information, please see this letter or contact Sharon Ryan who is the coordinator for the Primary School Team.


Wednesday 12 - Tuesday 18 March

NAPLAN assessments will take place for Year 3 and Year 5 students from Wednesday 12 March through to Tuesday 18 March.  Assessments will be staggered throughout the days around the specialist timetables. If a child happens to be unwell on a particular day, there will be opportunities to catch up the assessments throughout the above dates. All students will be supported by the classroom teacher and additional Access and Inclusion staff to complete the assessments in the classroom.  If you have any questions regarding your child’s participation in the assessments please contact Wendy Crow


If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.

Important Dates 

Term 1 Friday 31 January to Friday 11 April

Monday 10 March – Eight Hour Day holiday