Week 2
Friday, 13 September
-3YO Kinder Jack & Molly Incursion
-Year 3-6 Ultimate Frisbee Incursion
-CSEN Primary Athletics Championships
Tuesday, 17 September
-Secondary School Assembly (Period 1)
-Year 8 Push- Boxing Excursion
Wednesday 18 September
-Year 12 Drama Solo Performance Night
-Year 3 Chocolaterie Excursion
Thursday 19 September
-The Pong & High Tea
Friday 20 September
-Community Coffee Morning
-Year 12 Dress Up - Grow Up to Be
-End of Term 3 - Finish times: Kinder 12.30pm, Primary 12.45pm, Secondary 1.00pm
Week 1
Monday, 7 October
-Curriculum Day (No students K-12 at school this day)
Tuesday 8 Oct - Term 4 Begins
All students return
Wednesday 9th October
-Primary & Secondary Art Exhibition (evening display)
-VCE PD&T Excursion: Unit 4 Showcase
-VET Sport & Rec Excursion - Richmond Institute
-Year 5/6 SSV Summer District Carnival
Thursday 10th October
-Product Design Showcase
-Prep- Year 5 Cartoon Incursion
-Primary & Secondary Art Exhibition (evening display)
-VM HPV Training Day