College Notices

Parents & Friends Assocation Volunteers
The P&F Association is seeking volunteers to help with several events in Term 4. If you're interested in volunteering, please sign up using the link provided. We would greatly appreciate your support!
Speech Night Awards Wrapping
Date: Thursday November 7
Time: 8:30am - 10:00am
LUX Exhibition Bar
Date: Friday 8 November
Times: 5:15pm - 6:30pm
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Carols Bar and BBQ
Date: Tuesday 16 November
Times: BBQ 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Bar 5:00pm - 6:00pm
P&F Association - Annual General Meeting
The P&F Association is pleased to announce that our Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday November 21st at 6:30pm in the Boardroom. We are seeking new executive members to join our team and help shape the future of our association and the wider community. If you’re passionate about supporting the college and creating a positive impact, we invite you to consider getting involved. Your contribution is vital to our success, and we look forward to welcoming new members at the AGM.
Carparking Reminder
We have recently received feedback about parking issues around Gregory Street and Bayview Terrace. To maintain good relationships with our neighbours and local businesses, please remember to park only in designated areas, ensure you are not blocking driveways, follow all signs and respect time limits.
Your cooperation helps us stay a positive part of the community. Continued violations might lead to formal actions, so let’s work together to prevent any further issues.
Please also refer to the Brisbane City Council's notice below, which confirms that their Parking Compliance Team use mobile enforcement technology in school zones during peak drop-off and pick-up times, in addition to on-foot parking officers.
Clayfield Swimming - Learn to Swim Program
Reminder from the College IT team
As part of the ongoing security enhancements at the College, student use of VPNs from the College Wi-Fi and onsite network will be restricted from Term 4. We previously advised that students should discontinue the use of VPN’s while on campus throughout Term 3 ready for this change. To clarify, VPNs are usually used to access overseas streaming services and to bypass local streaming limitations. Continued use of a VPN from Term 4 onwards will stop access to College systems whilst at the school, including access to Internet resources and the Microsoft 365 suite (Office applications, OneDrive, OneNote and Teams).
We will also be updating the Microsoft 365 cloud solution with enhanced security settings to restrict access from overseas locations. If families are intending to travel overseas at any point and the student requires access to the College Microsoft 365 solution whilst away, parents should contact theIT team ahead of any planned travel to ensure we set access for the travel period.
Message from the Enrolments Team
Enrolment Procedures & Business Regulations Friendly Reminder
Parents/caregivers are reminded to review our Enrolment Procedures & Business Regulations on a regular basis.
We would like to provide families with a friendly reminder that a full term’s written notice, addressed to the Principal, is required when withdrawing a student from the College to avoid fees being charged in lieu of notice.
Where a student is leaving at the end of the school year, notice must be received by the first day of Term 4.
Notice is to be provided via email to and