Whole School News

Rosanna Primary is holding another uniform swap!
Do you have a pile of RPS uniforms you don’t know what to do with?
Would you like to swap them for different sizes or items?
Then come along after school on Friday 6th September to the art room, and swap your uniforms.
How will it work?
- Bring your unneeded uniform items along. We will accept all uniform items. They don’t have to have a RPS logo.
- Uniforms must be clean, and in good condition.
- Our helpers will quality check the items and give you tokens for swapping
- one token per item donated
- 4 tokens for the specialty polar fleece jackets
- Have a look through the items and exchange your token(s) for an item(s) of uniform
- If you would like to purchase more items than you have donated, then items will be also available for sale as well.
- $5 per item (worth one token)
- $20 for the polar fleece jackets (worth 4 tokens)
- This is keeping in line with the existing prices the uniform shop charges for second hand goods
A special note: we seem to always need the larger uniform sizes (size 12 and up). If you have any of these items to swap, please bring them along. We will also take donations of these larger sizes too. So if you don’t want to participate in the swap, but want to clean out your wardrobes, then please leave them at the office.
Swapping Terms and Conditions
- Please only bring items that are in good used condition. No rips or stains and please make sure they are clean.
- Donating an item for the event does not guarantee a swap in return, although we do have vouchers for next swap if you cant find anything you need.
- Swap depends on availability of items for swapping.
- Swaps cannot be returned after the event.
- Swap tokens have no financial redemption value.
- All left over uniform items will be retained by the school for use in the second hand uniform stall.
Any Qs? You can email Jackie.arbuckle@yahoo.com.au
If you would like to help Jackie organise the swap, please email her as well. We hope to see you there.
Bunnings BBQ
This Saturday (7th) we have a Bunnings BBQ spot for RPS as a fundraiser. It is a very good earner for the school - usually bringing in around $2,000
There are still lots of volunteer spots up for grabs and I wanted to take this opportunity to tell all the parents and carers at RPS what is involved.
Volunteering for something such as a Bunnings BBQ can feel nerve wracking the first time. For me I think it is the fact that it is a public facing role and dealing with money that made me hesitate. But after 5 years of volunteering – I can honestly say it is one of my favourite things to do for RPS.
So, what IS involved? Oh, I am so glad you asked! So many different things can be done to help.
Food preparation:
- Preparing the bread. We pre-stack bread on the serviettes (then put it back in the bread bag) so it is ready to go.
- Making sure the esky is full of drinks and ice
- Making sure the sauce bottles are also full.
One person cooks the BBQ
One or two people take orders and handle money. There is a QR code now, so lots of people pay electronically
One person assembles the sausages. This involves listening to the orders being shouted from the money handlers, and then putting it together “one with onion” YES CHEF. “3 with no onion” YES CHEF
One person is the sausage courier. They take the sausage order to the person who wants to eat this delectable cuisine.
If you don’t want to handle money, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to cook the BBQ, you don’t have to. As you can see, there are many jobs you can do in the one hour allocation. And it goes so quickly!
Some people are also worried about members of the public being grumpy waiting for their sausages. In my 5 years of volunteering, I have only come across one really grumpy person. 99.99% of people are very friendly and happy. I mean, they are just about to eat a delicious sausage, who wouldn’t be happy about that.
So, I hope that I have convinced you to consider volunteering an hour of your time this Saturday for our Bunnings BBQ allocation. It is an amazing fundraiser for our wonderful school and a great way to connect with fellow parents and carers.
You can sign up here: https://signup.com/go/gAMkxOb
Interschool Sport
Tomorrow, we play Rosanna Golf Links PS at home. Our teams will be playing at the following locations:
* Rosanna Primary School - Hot Shots Tennis and Soccer teams.
* De Winton Oval, 3 Strasbourg Rd, Rosanna, for the Cricket Blast teams. The Cricket teams will be walking to De Winton Oval
The games will commence at 12:00 p.m.
The Mighty Ducks tennis program for grade 5 students who do not participate in sporting teams has now finished. This group will remain at school for an alternative sporting program.
Good luck to all teams.
This year, our 5/6’s participated in a Road to Respect program by Carlton Football Club.
To say thank you, the RPS community has been invited to the Carlton Respects AFLW game on Saturday, September 14th. Up to 200 tickets are available for your students, staff, and parents/carers.
If you would like tickets, please email kelli.zealley@education.vic.gov.au.
Students Of The Week
Congratulations to our fantastic leaders of learning last week!
Term 3 - Week 7
Prep K - Oliver LK
Prep S - Elise H
1/2P - Charlie M
1/2K - Jemima Y
1/2S - Campbell C
1/2W - Louis MK
2/3W - Whole Class
3/4B - Mae S
3/4R - Whole Class
3/4T - Josh W and Ophelia D
4/5H - Rose C and Hayden V
5/6D - Xavier M and Evie M
5/6C - Whole Class
5/6A - Yo-Xuan C and Carly W
House Cup
Term 3 - Week 7 Winners - Blue Gum!!!
Red Waratah - 8 Points
Blue Gum - 6 Points
Green Grevillea - 5 Points
Golden Wattle - 2 Points