A note from Mr Jackson

Campfire Conversations
First Nation’s students from Rosanna Primary travelled by bus to pick up students from six other primary schools and arrived at the Barrbunin Beek Gathering Place in the early afternoon. It was a time of learning a range of traditional stories and playing traditional games as well as a chance to renew important friendships across school fence boundaries. For all, it proved a time to celebrate First Nation’s culture and connect with friends.
School Bonus Family Support
The Victorian Government is making life that little bit easier for families by providing a one-off $400 School Saving Bonus. This support will help cover the cost of school uniforms, and school activities like camps, excursions and sports.
The School Saving Bonus is in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) and the Affordable School Uniforms Program.
The School Saving Bonus will be provided to schools and families in Term 4, 2024.
The School Saving Bonus is available for parents and carers of all Victorian government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025, except for full-fee international students, home schooled students, TAFE students and students attending kindergarten in 2025.
Parents and carers of children who meet the School Saving Bonus eligibility above are required to do the following by Friday 18 October 2024:
- Complete enrolment
If your child, or children are changing government school for Term 1 2025, or starting Prep or Year 7 in 2025, please complete enrolment. For more information, read about Enrolling in School.
- Check your contact information
Today we have sent printed information to all families to ensure your contact information is up to date. Please check this information and return the documentation directly. This information has also been provided on Compass today.
Planning Days Coming Up (9-13 September)
One way we support improving outcomes at Rosanna Primary is providing extra time for teachers to gather each term, to evaluate and plan teaching and learning experiences for the following term. During this time, students will be taught by a range of specialist teachers and casual staff. Next week, staff will be at school but not present on their classes on the following days
Monday - 2/3/4 Learning Area
Tuesday - 1/2 Learning Area
Wednesday - 4/5/6 Learning Area
Thursday - Preps
Wildlife Carers
Earlier in the week a group of senior students brought to my attention a juvenile possum that had been separated from their parent. Thanks to all who were involved at sectioning off the area with cones, contacting Wildlife Victoria and then transporting the ringtail to the Greensborough Vet. We are assured that the juvenile is of an age that will thrive in the hands of a wildlife carer.
School Council Update
Our School Council met on Monday night and discussed a range of items. This included;
- Year 1 Dinner and Year 2 Snooze (25/26 October) A range of documentation and preparations were shared with the School Council.
- The 3/4 Camp Risk Assessments of their high risk activities were received.
- In Facilities there was excitement about the new Frog Bog and Working Bee last week. Further leaks in the Hall and Music Room are being addressed through the Make Safe Program.
- The FORPS Report detailed the fundraising events such as the Father’s and Special Other’s Day Stall, Trivia Night and the upcoming BBQ at Bunnings. Discussions also occurred around the composition of the 2025 Fair Committee.
- The Canteen Sub Committee confirmed some price increases and considered how sushi might continue to be part of the menu.
- The Education Group presented and Council received the Yard Duty and Supervision Policy 2024 and Bullying Prevention Policy 2024
Crossing Safety
A reminder to please be safe when travelling to and from school.
I encourage all who visit the site to use the crossing in the morning and afternoon periods to model safe road safety behaviour to our students.