Science & Art


We have started Term 4 Science focusing on Chemical Science. This worked well for the Grade 5/6 class who created volcanoes at the end of Term 3 as part of learning about Earth & Space Science. They eagerly watched along as each volcano exploded with a mixture of bi-carb soda, food dye and vinegar. The learnt about the chemical reaction that occurs between the bi-card and vinegar. Throughout the Science lessons in Term 4, all classes will be exploring the observable properties of materials and objects, how heat and cold can affect the size and shapes of objects and how changes to materials can be reversible, including melting, freezing, evaporating, or irreversible, including burning and rusting. 


In Term 3, our focus was Earth & Space Science. The Grade 3/4 class created Boomerang Bags as part of their learning about sustainability and caring for Earth. They created panels, which were sewn onto cotton bags.  Check out the photo to see their designs! 




This term in Art, we are focusing on Printmaking, Painting and Collage. The F/1/2 students began looking at artist Claes Oldenburg, who created large 3D fruits, made from cloth, foam, canvas, vinyl, and paper. Students began creating their own large versions of fruit using templates and collage. Keep an eye out in the next newsletter for their creations! 


In Term 3, our Art theme was sewing, with all classes exploring the theme through creating sewing designs, notebook covers and teddy bear artworks. We are nearly at the end of finishing these projects and can't wait to share them with you all!



If anyone has any old newspapers that they are wanting to get rid of, we would love to use them in the art room - thank you! 

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