We have started the term off with the most exciting event of the year… Camp!
We set off to Camp Charnwood on Wednesday of week 1 and returned of the Friday. On the way we picked up the grade ¾ students from St Josephs in Nagambie.
Some of our favourite events from camp were…
Mountain bike riding, The BIG flying fox (the griddy was a popular move to make when flying across), archery (were Bodhi nearly got a bullseye) and raft building (the water was VERY cold!).
Mrs Brook and Hailey were very impressed with the bravery of each student putting themselves out of their comfort zones, trying their best with each activity. Everyone represented the school in a beautiful way!
Before leaving for camp we finished off our Measurement unit in maths. We have been learning about different ways to measure and the units to measure in. We enjoyed learning about capacity by using a bowl of water and a sponge to transfer the water from one bowl to another. At the end we measured how much liquid we lost out of the 1 litre we started with.