The F/1/2 class have had an amazing start to the term.
On Monday, we had the opportunity to go to the Community Garden. While at the garden, the students learned about what a community garden is, tried some snow peas and broad beans, helped with weeding and went on a bug hunt. The students had lots of fun at the gardens.
In Maths, the students have been focusing on money. They have been developing their knowledge of Australian coins and notes and using their knowledge of money to solve practical addition and subtraction problems using dollar values.
In Religion, we have started learning about our new unit ‘What is Baptism?’. We have begun revising the concept of community and have been discussing the places or groups of people that we belong with.
In the coming weeks, we have a lot of learning and events planned.
Wednesday 16th October: Mass at 12:30pm.
Friday 18th October: Science.
Monday 21st October: Final Ollie Online virtual incursion for the year.
Tuesday 22nd October: Bluearth with Brodie.
Wednesday 23rd October: Mrs Parry at a meeting – Miss Ryan teaching F/1/2.
Friday 25th October: Mrs Parry away – Miss Ryan teaching F/1/2; Transition Foundation.
Tuesday 29th October: Respectful Relationships.
Next week in Maths, we will be moving into our telling time unit. In this unit, students will focus on learning about the features of a clock and building their skills to read an analogue clock telling time to the hour, half hour and quarter hour.
In Phonics the students will be starting to learn about r-controlled vowels, such as ar, or, er, ur, and ir.
In writing we are developing our knowledge of non-fiction texts to support us as we learn about writing information texts. We are also learning about writing sentences that start with a conjunction, such as ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘if’, and ‘when’.