Secondary News 

Experiential Learning – Learning about connection

 This term in Experiential learning we are diving deeper and giving students the opportunity to have experiences outside of their comfort zones. We have developed a program with a strong focus on respect.  The activities are planned to provide experiences that deepen the students understanding of others, and develop skills such as perseverance, communication and working with others.


On Wednesday the 16th of October the students were invited to Bank Australia’s Ozenkadnook landbank property. The day began with a Smoking Ceremony by Wergia Elder Uncle Ron and his son Will for the Year 7/8 and Foundation/1 classes.  This ceremony was an introduction to a series of sessions the students will have with Uncle Ron to discover more about culture and connection.


The Year 7/8s then travelled to Ozenkadnook to meet up with Jess from Greening Australia. They began the day being given their own Totem animal by Uncle Ron who also talked about the role of Totem animals in family groups. He also highlighted different parts of the landscape such as scar trees and explained in detail how these trees were used. The students also worked alongside Jess to remove old tree guards and stakes. Jess chatted to the students about the variety of jobs she gets to do in her day-to-day work as an ecologist for Greening Australia.


The students were very lucky to get to meet with Jennifer Goldsworthy from the conservation branch of the Nhill Sporting Shooters Association. Jennifer was visiting the block and offered to take students who were interested on a bird survey. Jennifer and Jess talked the students through how best to dress and walk, and what to listen out for and look for when surveying birds. The students collected data on the birds that they saw and entered it into the Bird data app as part of the Birds in backyards survey.


The day finished with learning traditional hunting techniques through some Boomerang and Waddy throwing games with Uncle Ron.


We have been very lucky to secure a grant through the Junior Landcare Biodiversity Grants to fund the Experiential Learning – Learning about connection program this term.

Ms Farran