Willy Kids
Respect - Learning - Resilience - Responsibility
Willy Kids
Respect - Learning - Resilience - Responsibility
Weeks 9 & 10: Willy Kids are Positive
Willy Kids are positive. We face situations with an open mind and an open heart, always expecting the best outcome. We focus on the good stuff, not the bad. The positive, not the negative. Our glass is half-full, not half-empty. When faced with challenges, we focus on what we can learn through these experiences, and look forward to positive things in other parts of our lives. We don’t let sad or difficult things get us down. We don’t let other people’s negative behaviours get us down. Whether that be when trying a task that looks hard in class, entering a new grade at the start of the year, or moving to a new school. We look on the bright side!
Being positive means being open to working and playing with a variety of people, no matter how different they may seem. It means being kind and considerate towards everyone. Being a friendly Willy Kid at all times.
Being positive means having a growth mindset. Not letting the little setbacks get in the way of our progress. Focussing on our goal. Never giving up no matter how challenging the circumstances!
Being positive is a choice, not a trait. Choose to make your attitude positive today!