From the Principal

Principal: Mathew Montebello

Dear Families,


Class Structure 2025

Last week, families would have received an email outlining the school’s  class structure for 2025. Part of this structure sees the school return to a composite structure in years 3 and 4.

An information meeting for parents of grade 3 and 4 students in 2025 will be held in the 5/6 gallery on Wednesday 9th October at 6:30pm. We would encourage all parents/carers of grade 3 & 4 students in 2025 to attend.


Year 2 Sleepover - Thursday 5th September

A big congratulations to our Grade 2 students, teachers and helpers. What a great night they had at the grade 2 sleepover.


School Disco - Thursday 18th September

We are less than 1 week away from arguably the biggest event on the school calendar. Well in a Willy Kids mind. We can't wait to see our Willy Kids dance the night away.

Important Note: Just a reminder to all parents that students will not be dismissed from the event unless their parent/guardian is there to pick them up. Can we please ask parents/carers to remain behind the bollards to allow the required space.


Open Afternoon

What an amazing turnout for yesterday’s open afternoon. It was great to see so many families attend yesterday afternoon and students so excited to share and celebrate their amazing work. It is opportunities such as these that as a community we really value. Giving families a stronger insight to the learning that is undertaken at Willy Primary. A few highlights for me were the grade 3 eco homes and the smiles on our prep Willy Kids faces as they shared their work. Thank you to all involved to make this event a success.



Prep Breakfast - Wednesday 18th September

Held in the last week of this term our prep students will celebrate the term with their annual prep breakfast. This event is the first stage of our whole school camping program, which looks to build independence. It will be a big final week for our preps with their breakfast followed by their first school disco on the Thursday and their first footy day on the last day of term.


Fathers day Luncheon - Friday 20th September

Information regarding our inaugural Father’s Day luncheon has been distributed to all families and included in this newsletter. Building upon the great success of the Mother’s Day luncheon, the event looks to connect dads within the school community, while raising money for our school’s library program. We encourage all dads to get along. Tickets available here.


Art Show October 18th & 20th October

Arguably the second biggest event on the Friends of Willy Calendar, the School’s art show looks to showcase the amazing artwork of our Willy Kids while raising funds to go towards the projects that are part of the school’s buildings and grounds master plan. 

WOW, Wonders of Williamstown sees Willy Kids draw on key features of Williamstown for inspiration.

The event is split into an adults only night on the Friday and a community event on the Sunday. So note the dates in your calendar. Full details of the event can be found below.



Warm regards,
