Principal's News

Spring Fair
Welcome back to Term Four.
This term is going to be super busy but also super exciting because of the Spring Fair on Sunday November 17th.
I would like to acknowledge the work of the Spring Fair Committee and encourage families to support them in any way they can.
The Spring Fair is the major fundraiser for the school and this year will go towards the continued development of our facilities.
For those families new to the school, the Spring Fair is held every second year and is the school's major fundraiser. It is an opportunity for the community to come together and have a fun day. The Spring Fair does rely on the willingness of parents to support with donations and time.
The Spring Fair Committee have put calls out for items to assist with some of the stalls and we thank everyone who has contributed by donating second hand children's books and toys, bottles of wine, jars of goodies, chocolates, etc.
How Can You Help?
We are now in the process of having families sign up to volunteer on a stall. As much as the Spring Fair Committee has everything organised, the event can't succeed without the willingness of the whole community to assist on the actual day. Which stall have you signed up to?
Sign up links are in the attached document
Each class has had a stall assigned to them. Please assist your Class Coordinator by signing up for a shift. We know that some stalls are going to require more assistance than others. If you class stall doesn't need you, please consider assisting other classes.
Food Stalls
Burgers 3CB
Egg and Bacon Rolls 2BG
Sausages 6NB
Dim Sims 6JW
French Fries 1JB
Calamari 5CS
Sausage Rolls 1SD
Dutch Pancakes 2JA
Fairy Floss 4VM/4PM
Slurpies/Drinks 2CR
Ice Cream Bar 6BD
Coffee PRG
General Stalls
Toss 4 a Choc 1JR
Books 5CS/3LD
Toys PBS
Jazzy Jars 1SA
Lucky Dip PAS
Cakes/Jams 5JP
Parlour - Face painting 4AQ
Parlour - Hair spray 2CD
Gingerbread decorating 2SS
Badge making 1ML
Craft PJP
Sports - Basketball toss/Netball 5AT
Ticket Sales 5CS
Ticket Sales 3SL
Showbags PAY
Ride Tickets
We will be selling ride tickets before the Fair both via an online portal and at the school.
Ride tickets are $45 if purchased before the Fair and $50 on the day of the Fair. This year we have included a Toddler Junior Ride Ticket for $20.
Ride Ticket sales will start next Monday (21st October). Please watch COMPASS for more information.
We have an amazing raffle running as part of the Fair including some brilliant prizes including: a fridge, TV, laptop, TeePee Party, speaker, pilates vouchers, Alba Spa voucher, Fuca Skin Care pack, Riccis Biscuit hamper
Each student will bring a book of tickets home for families to sell. The tickets are $10 each. We ask that you send your sold and unsold tickets and money back to the school by Friday 8th November.
Post Cards
Students will be wriing a postcard to a family member of friend of the family inviting them to the Spring Fair. If this is someone your child is unlikely to see before the Fair, please send a stamp and the address to school with your child and we will post it for them.
Malvern's Got Talent
The Performing Arts Staff and Captain are busy auditioning students to participate in the Malvern's Got Talent show at the Fair. We hope you enjoy the show on the day!
Student Art Show
The Visual Arts staff have organised a wonderful display of our students' art work, which will be on display in the Rec Centre on Fair Day. Please come and view their work and bid on the student art that is up for Silent Auction.
Next Fair Meeting
Wednesday 6th November at 7pm
Robyn James