Year 3
Ms Sapardanis, Ms Conforto, Ms Crothers, Ms Marshall, Ms Murphy & Ms Michetti
Year 3
Ms Sapardanis, Ms Conforto, Ms Crothers, Ms Marshall, Ms Murphy & Ms Michetti
In Writing, students have been revising what we know about creating a narrative. We have explored the features of a narrative including characters, setting, problem, plan, action and ending. Students engaged in guided practice to plan and write a narrative. We worked through the structure and language used in a narrative. Students were encouraged to expand simple sentences during editing by adding additional details. Students had the opportunity to publish their amazing narratives on Seesaw.
All students in Year 3 have begun our first Novel Unit. We have been reading through the book Matilda by Roald Dahl. Students have borrowed their own copy of the novel that has been kept at school. Together we have been reading through the story and learning about figurative language that has been used in the book such as hyperbole, similes, and metaphors. We have been exploring all of the new and interesting vocabulary that has been used in the book and explored the meanings, synonyms and antonyms. Students have loved being able to take care of their novel and engage in shared reading as a class.
In Numeracy, we have been learning about division. Students have explored the difference between sharing into equal groups and making groups of a given number. Students also learnt the following strategies and skills to assist them in solving division equations: Repeated subtraction using a number line, using fact families with multiplication and division to assist in solving division equations, students have also explored the short division strategy to help them solve simple division equations for 2s, 5s, and 3s, division facts.
We have also been learning about different types of data and developing our skills to read and compare data. Students have been looking at how graphs and tables represent the same information in a different way. Students have been developing their skills to answer questions that require them to compare data within a data set and interpret the information the data is showing them.
In SEL, we have started to learn about our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) program. This means that as a school we all follow the same values and procedures of SWPBS. Students are learning about the behaviour matrix, procedures and reward system. SWPBS aligns with and follows our school values of Respect, Learning Together, Kindness and Zest. Last week, students had the chance to draw and write about the different ways they have shown our school values this term.
In Auslan, students have been learning about and practising the different handshapes, orientation, location and movements. We have also been focusing on ensuring that our facial expressions match the feeling of what we are signing. Students demonstrated their knowledge by acting out different expressions while other students had to watch and try to work out their classmates' emotions and then answer using the correct Auslan sign.