Ms Oldield, Ms Butler, Ms Achilles, Ms Hicks, Ms Walker, Ms Nicholas and Ms Seru
Ms Oldield, Ms Butler, Ms Achilles, Ms Hicks, Ms Walker, Ms Nicholas and Ms Seru
Foundation students had a very exciting day celebrating our 100 Days at School.
In Literacy, we have been revising all the concepts we have learnt so far. This term and for the next couple of weeks students will focus on consolidating their knowledge of letter sounds, segmenting and blending to read words fluently and recognising Heart Words.
Students have been introduced to stage 4+ sounds, double consonant graphemes (ss, ll, ff). These double consonant graphemes make one sound, come after short vowels and are only at the end of words. We have also been exploring nouns and verbs and the suffix -s. We have been identifying how the suffix - s makes nouns into plurals and that plurals mean more than one. The suffix -s changes verbs to what another person/thing is doing.
Students are consistently working on writing syntax, which involves how words are arranged in a sentence. Writing complete sentences is explicitly taught alongside simple, familiar texts. We utilise Little Learners Love Literacy Texts because students are already acquainted with the characters, and the images help them generate ideas and construct sentences. Students focus on writing a complete sentence that includes a character/subject, verb and a setting.
We are continuing to learn and explore our world with our Geography Knowledge Unit. They have journeyed through each of the 7 continents, North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Antarctica and Australia. In each continent we have discovered different countries, the people that live there, unique animals and some major celebrations that make each continent special. The students have especially enjoyed singing along to a catchy 7 continents song and exploring the world through maps.
In Numeracy, students have been focusing on teen numbers. They used concrete materials such as base ten blocks to represent a teen number. It is important for students to physically represent numbers so they can develop a deeper understanding of what each number is made of.
This week students have been busy working on the concept of Subtraction. We have been using concrete materials to take away an amount from a given number as well as use the cross out method with the use of pictorials. Furthermore, students will continue to consolidate this concept with the use of concrete materials, pictorials and number lines.
In SEL, we have started to learn about our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) program. This means that as a school we all follow the same values and procedures of SWPBS. Students are learning about our behaviour matrix, procedures and reward system. SWPBS aligns with and follows our school values of Respect, Learning Together, Kindness and Zest. Students completed an activity where they had the chance to draw about the different ways they have shown our school values this term.
Students have been engaged in learning about their feelings. They are able to identify various feelings in AUSLAN as well as practise using the appropriate face expression. Some of the signs taught were, emotions, smiley, worried, confused, curious, forgetful, patient, hungry, thirsty, hopeful, kind, lucky, unlucky, naughty, okay, sorry, sleepy, strong, upset.