From the 5/6 Classrooms

On Friday the Grade 5/6's had a wonderful afternoon sharing some of the Maths games and activities that we have been completing throughout the term with their parents at our Expo. Below are some of the tasks that we shared.
We have been working on a wonderful text entitled Girl On Wire by Lucy Estela and Elise Hurst during Term 3. This is a simple yet brilliantly uplifting allegory of a young girl struggling to build her self-esteem and overcome the anxiety that many children feel as they grow – she walks the tightrope, afraid she will fall, but with the support of those she loves, her toes grip the wire and she walks forward, on her own, with a new confidence. Students have been doing a 'deep dive' into this text, identifying literary devices and responding, creating and examining the text in a variety of different ways.
Wonderous Fact Book
As part of our Integrated Studies Unit, The Journey to Discovery, students have been working on a Wonderous Fact Book, gathering information and writing facts based around interesting Scientific facts and discoveries. They have then used different coding apps, such as Hopscotch and Scratch, to create a programming language, to present the facts they developed during the unit. They then created a quiz to test someone who has viewed their presentation.
We want to wish you all a happy and safe holidays. We look forward to more fun learning next term!
Grade 5/6 Teachers