From the 3/4 Classrooms

Balloon Powered Cars
As part of our term's Integrated Studies Unit: Forces and Functions, students got into pairs to create a balloon powered car out of recycled materials.
First, students sketched out a design plan with their pairs to see what materials they would need to build their cars.
Using their plans, the students began to design their cars using different recycled materials. The goal was to make their cars travel at least 5 metres.
Next, students tested these first designs. Some of the cars moved, but some of the cars didn't. It was back to the drawing board for some, where students needed to refine their designs and try again with more testing. It took many students lots of resilience to try new methods and give it another go.
Students needed to consider the different forces acting upon their cars – what was stopping it from travelling further? What was helping the car move further?
If you were to power a car with any materials, what would you use?
Finally, through trial and error along with their knowledge of forces in play and the fuctions of their car, students worked to finish their cars to make them travel the furthest they could.
We hope you enjoyed seeing their effort at our expo on Thursday!
Team 3/4 teachers