From the 1/2 Classrooms

Last Friday the Grade 1 and 2 students were extremely excited to present their work to their families at the end of term Expo. It was so wonderful to see students teaching and playing Maths games with family members that have been used in the classrooms during the term.
This term, students have been learning about narrative writing. Students explored the picture story book 'Edward the Emu'. This text was used as a mentor text to demonstrate parts of a narrative. The text was then used as a springboard for the students to work collaboratively in pairs to write a narrative on what would happen next to Edward.
Students planned and shared their narrative and wrote and illustrated their story. The students looked forward to the next part and that was to turn their narrative into a puppet play.
Students were required to make their characters as stick puppets with a moving part. The boxes were transformed into a variety of settings from space to the beach. The highlight was performing their play to their families.
We hope you enjoyed reading and watching their narratives and puppet performances!
During the holidays, we hope you enjoy reading some books and playing some maths games. Perhaps you might find the time to write your own narrative and use your creativity to make some puppets and a puppet theatre.
Happy Holidays!
Grade 1/2 Teachers
Paula Paziotis, Karin Tsiandikos-Huf, Llaaneath Poor, Maryanne Cozzio,