Team Foundation News

Urban Upcycle Incursion
On Thursday 12th of September, Nicole from Urban Upcycle incursions came to Boroondara Park Primary to run a craft making activity with the Foundation students. The purpose of this incursion was to introduce the students to a variety of clean and repurposed craft items that were made from different materials. Students were also introduced to different craft tools and adhesives.
At the beginning of the session, students were shown the different materials, tools and adhesives, such as: glue sticks, a hot glue gun, sticky tape and masking tape. Nicole explained that some materials might need a stronger adhesive, such as: hot glue or masking tape, to stick together. She suggested to the students that if they used an adhesive to join two materials together, and they don't stick together, then they might need to try and use a different adhesive. Students could independently use the glue sticks and tape. If they needed to join materials together with the hot glue gun, they had to ask an adult for assistance.
Students then began to make their own creations out of a vast supply of recycled materials. Everyone was engaged and worked hard to come up with their own individual, creative piece.
After one hour of creative design and construction, students were ready to share their creations! They were asked to share what they had made and list at least three different materials that they used in their creations.
Chloe – I made a Kitty Robot. I used these materials: cardboard boxes and cones, plastic bottle and card for the ears.
Rosha - I made a robot. I used these materials: cardboard boxes, plastic bottles and wool for the hair.
Heather – I made a Kittycopter and a Kitty Face. I used these materials: plastic bottle and lids, rubber and paper.
Rayan – I made two Robots. I used these materials: cardboard boxes, plastic bottles and cork for the legs.
Alex – I made two robots. I used these materials: cardboard boxes, plastic lids and cork for the legs.
Ellery – I made a robot. I used these materials: cardboard boxes, a plastic container and cork for the shoes.
Tida – I made a mermaid. I used these materials: fake flowers made out of plastic, plastic forks for hands and arms and plastic tubes for legs.
Hannah – I made a robot in a boat. I used these materials: plastic bottles for arms, cardboard boxes for the body and a green leaf made of plastic on top of the head.
Mia – I made a robot. I used these materials: fake plastic flowers to make it pretty, plastic bow for decoration and material for clothes.
Adrian – I made a balance robot. I used these materials: bamboo buttons, wool for hair and a corn starch plate for the legs.
Alicia – A rocket ship. I used these materials: a plastic bottle, cardboard boxes and an astronaut made out of cork.
Bella – A jelly-fish. I used these materials: fake plastic flowers for decorations, corn starch plate for the body and wool for the legs.
Dakota – A doll. I used these materials: wool for the hair, cardboard box for the body, arms and legs and a corn starch plate for the doll to stand on.
FKJ students had a wonderful time constructing these marvellous creations. They learnt how to join different materials together by using the most appropriate adhesive, as well as how to reduce the production of waste through practising the Sustainability Rs, such as Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Repurpose.
Term 3 Foundation Stars
Week 8 - Adrian
In Week 8 Adrian was the Foundation Star. Adrian shared a number of lovely photos in his Timeline. Some photos showed Adrian celebrating his birthday, playing with friends at preschool, kicking a ball and cooking at home dressed as a mini chef! Items that Adrian shared in his Personal show bag were: his basketball top, a Mummy Peppa Pig toy, some rubbery bouncy balls and a drawing of Adrian's favourite show Numberblocks! Adrian impressed the class by sharing his personal skill which was to play a guitar! He played a few lovely tunes to the class and showed everyone how a guitar works. Well done Adrian for sharing your life with us!
Week 9 - Tida
In Week 9 Tida was the Foundation Star. Tida shared many personal items. Some of these were: a funny, pink Gummy Bear toy, a Mickey Mouse keychain, a square rainbow Pop-It fidget toy and a big mummy monkey and baby monkey toy. During the Wednesday afternoon Meet and Greet, Tida shared her amazing personal Timeline. This Timeline contained many interesting photos. One was a photo of when Tida was a teeny baby! Another series of photos showed Tida celebrating every birthday that she has ever celebrated! Another group of photos showed activities that Tida loves to do with her family such as: baking, going to the beach and visiting the local park. Well done Tida for sharing these lovely things with us all! We learnt so much about you!
We will look forward to seeing future Foundation Star presentations in Term 4. Thank you once again for the families of the above Foundation Stars for supporting their child with this activity!
Wishing all the Foundation students and their families a very relaxed, safe and fun holiday and I will look forward to seeing you back, ready to learn and grow in Term 4!
Miss Jones
Foundation Teacher