Staff Profiles

Full Name:

Joanne McMillan


Role at St Joseph's College:

Learning Support Officer


Qualifications/Work/Study History:

Cert III - Education Support/Teachers Aide


Length of time at St Joseph's College:

Started in 2020


What do you love most about working at St Joseph's College?

My colleagues and building relationships with the students. The actual school (it's so pretty), the hours and the holidays!


What has been your most memorable moment in your time at St Joseph's College?

When I was told I was a student's trusted adult.


What is 1 thing that people would be surprised to learn about you?

I'm one of 6 girls in my family.



Full Name:

Rebecca Hof


Role at St Jospeh's College:

LM (Chisholm 2) and Classroom Teacher (Drama/English)


Qualifications/Work/Study History:

I have a Bachelor in Theatre/Media and a Bachelor of Secondary Teaching (English/Drama). This is my 7th year teaching in NSW and Victorian rural schools.



Length of time at St Joseph's College:

This is my 2nd year. 


What do you love most about working at St Joseph's College?

We have so many opportunities for students to immerse themselves in cultural and arts experiences.


What has been your most memorable moment in your time at St Joseph's College?

In 2022 I had the opportunity to perform with my Year 11 students during St Joes on Show when we had a last minute change to casting.


What is 1 thing that people would be surprised to learn about you?

I grew up on the Sapphire Coast.



Full Name:

Helen Fontana


Role at St Joseph's College:

Nicholls House Leader (Brigidine) and Senior Maths teacher


Qualifications/Work/Study History:

Master of Numeracy, Science degree with majors in mathematics and statistics, post graduate diploma in education with double major in mathematics


Length of time at St Joseph's College:

8th year.


What do you love most about working at St Joseph's College?

The students and my colleagues.


What has been your most memorable moment in your time at St Joseph's College?

Directing the school production of "High School Musical" a couple of years ago.


What is 1 thing that people would be surprised to learn about you?

I love anime.



Full Name:

Jessica Oliver


Role at St Joseph's College:

Teacher - Legal Studies and English. Whilst I love teaching my senior Legal Eagles and remain passionate about teaching Legal, I am a part of the Kildare teaching team now and love being out at the new campus!


Qualifications/Work/Study History:

BA (Honours) Criminology and Criminal Justice/ Dip Ed Secondary Teaching.


Length of time at St Joseph's College:

This is my 4th year.


What do you love most about working at St Joseph's College?

The camaraderie and support of the colleagues I am lucky enough to work with and of course forming relationships with the students I am fortunate enough to teach.


What has been your most memorable moment in your time at St Joseph's College?

My Legal Studies class of 2020 was pretty special. Despite largely teaching this group online due to COVID, they really were a great group of students/human beings, and we had a good year together learning.


What is 1 thing that people would be surprised to learn about you?

I hold a probationary second degree black belt in Zen do Kai and trained at Wickham's Martial Arts throughout my entire childhood!