Dear Parents and Carers,
Today is the start of our two-week whole school ‘Headstart’ program. This is the first time Surf Coast Secondary College has transitioned the entire school into next year’s timetable.
As of today, all of this year’s Year 7-10 students transitioned into their 2024 classes. They are all now considered students in Years 8-11. All our young people are following their 2024 timetable, working with their 2024 teachers in most classes (except where new teachers will be joining the college) and commencing important learning to support their transition into their next year level.
As of 8:50am in the morning, our students met their 2024 Learning Advocates. As has been previously communicated, all students will commence every day at 8:50am in ‘Learning Advocate Time’ (LAT). During this time, the Learning Advocates will ensure all students are ready to learn, know where they need to be throughout the day, ensure they have the correct learning materials, check that students are in the correct uniform and offer support with any challenges our students may be working through. All students must be present at 8:50am for LAT each day.
The Headstart program means that our students finish the school year with important learning and meaningful connections to teachers and peers. It is inappropriate for students to stay at home when they are required to be in Headstart.
Having walked around the College and visited classrooms this morning, it was pleasing to see so many of our students in correct school uniform. I must say however that we still have far too many students presenting to school with non-uniform clothing. When families choose to send their children to a school, you are also choosing to support us by ensuring that your child has the required uniform. For any families experiencing challenges accessing uniform the college can support you.
I respectfully ask that all parents and carers support your children to be at school on time and in full school uniform every day.
The college uniform list is extensive and includes items to ensure students are comfortable in all possible weather conditions. Students can wear whichever SCSC branded uniform items they are most comfortable in. Clothing items that your children should not be wearing include jeans, denim shorts, hoodies, and t-shirts. Our expectation is that any student who is out of uniform be provided with a note explaining the reason.
Students who are absent from school or who are out of uniform over the next two weeks can expect follow-up conversations with teachers and phone calls home as we try to support our young people to meet their schooling obligations.
Our College attendance and uniform policies meet all legislative requirements of the Department of Education and reflect standard practices in all schools. It is not OK for students to have high school absence or be out of uniform when they are here. School attendance and uniform help our young people to learn, feel connected, feel a sense of community, develop pride and civic-mindedness, and ultimately sets them up for success at school.
I look forward to continuing to check-in with our students in their classes over the next two weeks of Headstart.
Thank you and take care.
Shane Elevato
Acting Principal.