Round the classes
Round the classes
Round the classes
Round the classes
In the Reception class we have been busy learning their last couple of sounds for the year. We have also been learning how to write and follow basic procedures.
In maths, we have been learning about shapes We have been on shape hunts and on Monday we used the shape blocks to create pictures.
In HASS we have been making our own maps and we also learnt about where the different states are on a map of Australia.
We have also been busy learning a Christmas song with Margie and the year 1 class as well as working on our end-of-year performance item with Mrs Tume.
On Friday we were very excited to welcome our elf Jingle to the classroom. He has been getting up to lots of mischief already.
This is the last newsletter item for the year 1's this year and I am getting quite emotional now as I only have a handful of days left with them.
Again, we have been quite busy with our sounds - most now know the ue (as in glue and statue), u (as in emu), ew (as in dew and screw), ed (as in played, cracked and waited). We learnt a new sound - ea (as in bread) and have worked on it throughout the week as well as revised ow (as in cow). With writing - we revisited the persuasive genre - giving our opinion and trying to persuade readers that our opinions are correct. The students remembered their Ollie openers I think, firstly, secondly and finally.
With maths, we have been working on revising our adding and subtracting. we have been playing card games, dice games and using the 120 chart to complete activities. We also have been enjoying playing Guess My Number and using language such as like - greater than, more than, bigger than OR smaller than and less than.
We have been working hard on our end-of-year performance and our choir song for the last assembly. The children have shown great persistence and determination to try their best every time. Year 1's, you should be so proud of your achievements!
We hope this newsletter finds you well and filled with the joy of the holiday season. Over the past fortnight, our Year 2 class has been buzzing with creativity, excitement, and a touch of holiday magic. Here's a glimpse into what our little learners have been up to:
In literacy lessons, our focus has been on planning, editing drafts, illustrating, and finally publishing our very own set of class storybooks. The children embraced the creative process wholeheartedly, showcasing their unique imaginations and storytelling skills. From brainstorming ideas to refining their narratives, every step was an opportunity for growth. The joy of holding their finished books in hand and sharing them with classmates was truly heartwarming.
Our mathematical explorations have delved into worded problems in multiplication. The children not only honed their multiplication skills but also discovered the intricate relationship between arrays and multiplication. Through hands-on activities and engaging problem-solving tasks, they grasped the practical application of multiplication in everyday scenarios. The "aha" moments echoed in the classroom as they uncovered the mathematical connections.
The holiday spirit has been amplified with the arrival of our mischievous classroom Elf, 'Tinsel Jr.' Each morning, the children eagerly share tales of Tinsel Jr.'s nighttime escapades, leaving behind a trail of giggles and wide-eyed wonder. The joy and excitement that the little elf brings to the classroom have become cherished moments in our daily routine. We've attached some photos below, capturing the magical moments shared with Tinsel Jr. Feel free to ask your child about their favourite Tinsel Jr. adventure—they're sure to have delightful stories to share!
We're thrilled to announce that Louise and Max from our class have secured victory in the Christmas Card competition for local MP Joshua Teague. Their creativity and artistic talents shone through, making us all proud. Well done, Louise and Max!
Bubbles has joined our class. Yes, Bubbles the elf keeps an eye on the children….making sure everything is going well.
We spent some time being cartographers, mapping the school grounds with as much detail as possible. This was a challenging task, especially in terms of trying to work to scale. The examples below show some of our results. Be sure to click on the clip to see some results too.
We are currently very excited about the school concert coming up, making sure we do our best during practice sessions with Mrs.Tume. We have also done some last-minute revision of maths and writing concepts. Above all else, we are gearing up to say farewell to our 2023 school year.
Students have been busy designing their props for the concert this fortnight. Each student drafted a design for the Ghostbusters proton packs, showing how they imagined it could look and including labels to show which materials would be used to make each part of the prop. Students then decided we should select five different designs from the class' ideas to use for the five backpacks rather than replicating one design on all five packs. They have been busy working in groups to construct these cardboard props. Students have demonstrated impressive collaboration while working in groups of five. They have had one design leader to help make the call on tough decisions and have been taking on a range of different roles to work efficiently.
In mathematics, students have been applying their multiplication strategies to create and solve worded problems with their peers. They have been working on calculating perimeter and area and converting between units of measurement through their design project on Maker’s Empire. They have been tasked with the brief of designing their dream apartment. First, they drafted this on grid paper and calculated the dimension of each room. They have now begun to construct their design to scale digitally on Maker’s Empire.
In writing, students have been using the information they have researched to write their biographies about a person of interest to them. Students have been thinking about the importance of using the correct tense and structuring the biography according to a chronological timeline of the person’s life.
It is hard to believe this is our last newsletter for the year. In the past fortnight students in the class created a picture book for each of the new receptions. The storylines were creative and fun, and the illustrations were fantastic too.
We have been to Parliament House (see photos) and met the member for Mayo Josh Teague. He gave us a hands-on experience of how different aspects of our government worked. We then walked down to the Botanical Gardens where we followed a trail discovering different trees and plants that were used by First Nations people to eat, make tools from or trap birds and animals to eat.
Thank you to Emma Lockhead and Sarah Bashe for helping us on the excursion.
We have been working on getting our end-of-year performance pieces perfected too.
Next week we are going to the Uraidla Bowls Club to learn how to bowl for our end of end-of-year class party, we have the end-of-year performance and of course, we have Year 6 graduation on Thursday night.
Thanks for all the support this year and I hope everyone enjoys a lovely break before we do it all again next year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The older students have been finalising their units of work.
The year 4/5 class has been learning about weathering, erosion and deposition. This week they had to create a mountain from soil and use natural materials to prevent topsoil erosion. Students had to reflect on their solution and make adjustments based on the practicality of their approach and its effectiveness.
The year 5/6 class have been learning about natural disasters. Last week we created an earthquake model from cardboard and tennis balls. Students had to create a structure that would withstand the movement of the earthquake.
In Indonesian the younger students have watched a story about a boy who lives in West Timor. His special talent is traditional dance and he performs at a village wedding. The children have also been getting their Indonesian books ready to bring home and share and they’ve started Christmas activities.
Sallie’s students are busy finishing their beautiful wayang kulit puppets which look fantastic!