Mental Health Supports for Students over the School Holidays

Mental health support, resources and advice are available for students and families to access over the school holidays. Two fact sheets for students and families have been developed in 19 different languages to:

  • support positive mental health and wellbeing of students
  • identify signs students may need mental health support
  • access available support.

Information for parents, carers and families

This fact sheet provides tips and resources for parents, carers and families of children and young people in their care over the school holidays. This includes services to reach out to if more support for them is needed

 For parents and carers – Wellbeing support over the school holidays (English) (pdf - 156.17kb)

Information for students 

This fact sheet provides tips on looking after your mental health and wellbeing over the school holidays and information on the services available to you if you need to reach out for support.

For students – Wellbeing support over the school holidays (English) (pdf - 198.48kb)


Further information and factsheets that are developed in 19 different languages please visit