Grade 6 News

Learning in Action
The Grade 6s have reflected on their primary school years at LPS through narratives, informative writing and poetry. There have been some great memories brought up and written about over the term. The students are now getting crafty and putting their artistic skills to the test to create scrapbook pages that capture all of these memories. The students are learning to create headings in different fonts, put borders around text and images, experiment with different layouts, and generally take pride in the work they present.
This fortnight, the Grade 6 students begun exploring Shape. They have connected 3D shapes with their respective 2D nets, identified what classifies different 3D shapes looking at faces, edges and vertices and worked on naming the different 3D shapes. To help name them, we looked at what the difference is between a prism and pyramid.
In the coming week the students will put all of their understandings together and begin their 'Make me a Radical Robot' project. In this project the Grade 6 students will create a robot out of 3D shapes for a toy competition, following design guidelines including drawing the nets of shapes they will need, making sure they use a range of 3D shapes, and building their Radical Robot.
We are looking forward to seeing what they design!
Probability Fair:
Last Friday in the Senior School, Grade 6 students took part in a Probability Fair. Read below to hear what Brax, Luke H, Lucas and Josh had to say about the day.
"The Probability Fair is when we all made games that had different probabilities that you would win. We used counters as a currency every person started with ten counters. The stalls also got 10 counters each.
Each group of 3 or 4 people made different games for people to play. There were so many different prizes and different games to enjoy. There were so many different stalls from basketball games to claw machines.
Some had lollies at their stall and that was so yum. I tried that same stall like 5 times, but I stopped because the chance of me winning was a lot lower than other stalls . For some reason every other time there were not lollies on the line I would get so lucky.
One example game was called the Ping Pong Dropper. You have to drop the ping pong ball into the box. There was a plate in the middle and 4 boxes in every corner of the big box. If it hit the floor you would lose. If it hit the plate you would win 2 counters. The 4 little boxes were mystery prizes.
My group did a game with some cups, and we would put a ping pong ball under one cup and we would mix them. The people playing would have to guess which cup it was under, it was really fun to do! They had a 1 in 3 chance of winning this game.
The Probability Fair was a lot of fun and it was a great way to apply our knowledge of what we had learnt in our Chance and Probability unit."
We are moving full steam ahead for Inquiry, with Market Day just around the corner. Students in Grades 5 and 6 have been choosing their Market Day groups, using their entrepreneurial spirit to create a business plan and applying their understanding of Financial Maths to create a budget.
Market Day will be a day of fun, games, and delicious food. The students have worked hard to understand human rights and the needs of people around the globe, and have chosen to donate earnings to The Leukaemia Foundation.
Sports Update - Boys Netball
What an amazing day we had at the inaugural Boys Netball Showcase. Schools from across the Eastern Region of Melbourne joined us at Knox Regional Netball Complex for a fun and competitive day of netball. Led by Mr. Thomas, Lysterfield was really proud to be the leader of this initiative, showcasing a terrific sport that can be enjoyed by everyone. Through eight different competitions and 580 boys, the day could not have been any more perfect and the students from Lysterfield were right at the forefront of sportsmanship, integrity, and quality improvement.
Here are some reflections from some of our boys about the day:
When we got to the courts we had to wait an hour for our first game so we decided to watch other teams. We then went to our court a little bit confused about netball but we still tried our hardest and smashed them 9 to nothing. It was super fun. We spent our whole lives saying netballs for girls and then we played and realised it was half decent. We went to our next games knowing we could win and we won and kept on winning. At the end of the day, we went 7 wins 0 losses and won the flag in b grade. - Noah L 5B
Boys netball was a very fun and exciting day for all three Lysterfield teams, a new thing for most. We played 7 games and all three of the teams were very successful and showed great teamwork on the day. We were in the A Team and we came 2nd overall for the day. We were very honored to participate in the first Boys Regional Netball Day with many more to come. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped on the day. - Sam & Flynn 6E
A MASSIVE THANK YOU to Mr Mac and Mr Thomas for the organisation of the day. It was a great success and we can’t wait to see the competition take off and continue into the future.
Calendar and Events
Monday 27th of November - Softball State Finals
Wednesday 29th November - Grade 5 School Captains Speeches 9.15am
Tuesday 5th of December - Teeball State Finals
State Hooptime Finals
Christmas Concert 5.30pm - 6.30pm
Wednesday 6th December - Market Day from 11am (students only)
Monday 11th December - Senior School Bike Ride
Tuesday 12th December - Meet your teacher 9.30am
State Secondary School Orientation
Wednesday 13th December - Grade 6 Graduation
Student arrival 5.15pm
Ceremony 7pm
Thursday 14th December - Grade 6 Pool and Movies Day
Friday 15th December - Meet the Teacher
Monday 18th December - Senior School Trivia Day
Tuesday 19th December - Class parties from 12pm
Wednesday 20th December - Last Day of 2024 - 1.30pm dismissal
- Final assembly 12.30pm
High School Transition Webinar - Tuesday 28th November 7pm - 8.30pm
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