Grade 5 News

Learning in Action
The Grade 5 students are well underway with their Passion Projects writing about a chosen Leader in their topic area. The writing process consists of planning, drafting, editing, and publishing, in which the students are currently in the middle of this process. Students have the opportunity to showcase their writing skills in different ways and what they have learnt in Grade 5 this year.
Below are some of the Leaders students have chosen and why:
Nathan M 5B - Topic: Soccer
Leader: Neymar da Silva Santos Junior - for demonstrating great sportsmanship in soccer
Evie M 5B - Topic: Football
Leader: Neal Daniher - his story is interesting and inspiring to tell and Patrick Dangerfield for his leadership skills with his team
Bella G 5M - Topic: Fashion
Leader: Betsey Johnson - I love her bold designs. She started creating in an age of time when others wore a lot of black and her bright colours in her designs were different
James W 5M - Topic: Collingwood FC
Leader: Craig McRae - I’ve never seen a better coach and he thrives on all the players and makes them never give up. He challenges them in a fun way and makes the game fun
Kaylee K 5T - Topic: Netball
Leader: Liz Ellis - Because she inspires me to follow my passions and I am passionate about netball. She never gives up and keeps trying
Grace W 5T - Topic: Ballet
Leader: Margot Fonteyn - She is a prima ballerina and had the most roles in professional ballet. She is the only one who has had roles especially written for her
The students are really enjoying demonstrating their creative side in their passion projects and we can’t wait to see more of their work over the coming weeks.
Grade 5 students have been exploring tessellations this past fortnight. Students needed to create their own shape and then create a tessellation using this shape, here are some examples below:
Students are beginning a new Maths Project, called LPS Renovators! Students are given the opportunity to collaborate with their peers to redesign and renovate a home. Students are each given roles of either interior designers or landscapers. Within their role, they will need to plan, research, and budget to renovate their house. We can’t wait to share their renovations with you in the coming weeks!
We are moving full steam ahead for Inquiry, with Market Day just around the corner. Students in Grades 5 and 6 have been choosing their Market Day groups, using their entrepreneurial spirit to create a business plan and applying their understanding of Financial Maths to create a budget.
Market Day will be a day of fun, games, and delicious food. The students have worked hard to understand human rights and the needs of people around the globe, and have chosen to donate all earnings to The Leukaemia Foundation.
Sports Update - Boys Netball
What an amazing day we had at the inaugural Boys Netball Showcase. Schools from across the Eastern Region of Melbourne joined us at Knox Regional Netball Complex for a fun and competitive day of netball. Led by Mr. Thomas, Lysterfield was really proud to be the leader of this initiative, showcasing a terrific sport that can be enjoyed by everyone. Through eight different competitions and 580 boys, the day could not have been any more perfect and the students from Lysterfield were right at the forefront of sportsmanship, integrity, and quality improvement.
Here are some reflections from some of our boys about the day:
When we got to the courts we had to wait an hour for our first game so we decided to watch other teams. We then went to our court a little bit confused about netball but we still tried our hardest and smashed them 9 to nothing. It was super fun. We spent our whole lives saying netballs for girls and then we played and realised it was half decent. We went to our next games knowing we could win and we won and kept on winning. At the end of the day, we went 7 wins 0 losses and won the flag in b grade. - Noah L 5B
Boys netball was a very fun and exciting day for all three Lysterfield teams, a new thing for most. We played 7 games and all three of the teams were very successful and showed great teamwork on the day. We were in the A Team and we came 2nd overall for the day. We were very honored to participate in the first Boys Regional Netball Day with many more to come. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped on the day. - Sam & Flynn 6E
A MASSIVE THANK YOU to Mr Mac and Mr Thomas for the organisation of the day. It was a great success and we can’t wait to see the competition take off and continue into the future.
Calendar and Events
Monday 27th of November - Softball State Finals
Wednesday 29th November - Grade 5 School Captains Speeches 9.15am
Tuesday 5th of December - Teeball State Finals
State Hooptime Finals
Christmas Concert 5.30pm - 6.30pm
Wednesday 6th December - Market Day from 11am (students only)
Monday 11th December - Senior School Bike Ride
Tuesday 12th December - Meet your teacher 9.30am
State Secondary School Orientation
Wednesday 13th December - Grade 6 Graduation
Student arrival 5.15pm
Ceremony 7pm
Thursday 14th December - Grade 6 Pool and Movies Day
Friday 15th December - Meet the Teacher
Monday 18th December - Senior School Trivia Day
Tuesday 19th December - Class parties from 12pm
Wednesday 20th December - Last Day of 2024 - 1.30pm dismissal
Final assembly 12.30pm