Grade 3 News

Important Reminders

As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.

Important Reminders 

  • School hats are required to be worn from now until the end of the year. Students will be required to wear them outside starting from next week.
  • Homework - just a reminder of homework expectations: Mathletics and regular reading. It is beneficial to maintain a homework routine and to practise the maths skills learnt in class. 
  • Middle School Open Morning-  we are pleased to inform you that the Middle School will be having an Open Morning on Thursday 30th November. The classrooms in grades 3 & 4 will be open to family members from 9.15am until 10.00am. This gives students the opportunity to showcase the work that they have been doing this term. 

Learning in Action


The students continued with their preparation for the Open Cycle writing piece. They have continued to research information regarding their chosen environmental threat. We read Jackie French's 'Fire' and 'Flood' so as to notice and record her powerful words and the images these words create.  This also gave the students an opportunity to see how narratives could be created from real-life events. Then we went on to read an informative text concerning climate change. With this text, the students were able to share the reading, notice topic-specific words and discuss their meanings. The students also continued with Literacy Circles. 


Preview: . 

Revising sentence structure- subject, verb and object, simple, compound and complex sentences. 






For the last two weeks, students have explored financial maths. Students represented different amounts of money using different coins and notes, as well as learning how to calculate change. This week students have financially planned a trip to "Leisureland". They were given a scenario where they had $100 to spend on rides, souvenirs, food and events, and had to calculate how much they were going to spend, and the amount of change they'd have at the end of the day. Students also explored angles, finding them in the classroom, and making them out of icypole sticks. 



Next week, students will revise flips, slides, and turns, and start creating their own tessellations. 




Through the Respectful Relationships program, students have been focussing on the rights and responsibilities of a child. They looked at the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and discussed why these might be important. These included the right to be free, to feel safe, to be protected from harm and the right to education and health care. 

This week they talked about what their responsibilities are as a child such as getting themselves dressed. This led them to recognise that they have a lot to be grateful for and they wrote little notes to significant people in their lives. 





The students had their understanding of Climate Change further enriched with the reading and discussion of Climate Change through a National Geographic article for kids. They have taken notes in order to produce a poster showing their understanding. 



Making an informative poster about climate change.






Colour Run- Friday November 10 

"The Colour Run is where you run and volunteers throw colour at you. The Colour Run was amazing and was also very fun because we were getting colour thrown at us. It was also very cool because everyone was so colourful. I am looking forward to the next Colour Run because I think it is going to be the same. It was also funny because some of us were comparing how colourful we were. It was fun because we got to do as many laps as we could in 20 minutes so even more fun."  Eddie C


"Lysterfield primary school had a colour run where you got covered by all different colours. You had to wear black if you were not doing it and white if you were. It was amazing to see a smile on everyone's face. You had 20 min to do as many laps as you wanted. I loved it as it was my first time doing it and look forward to doing it again. The fundraiser got a lot of money."  Efy P


Colour Run Poems by 3W

"A couple weeks ago on Friday the  10th of November the whole of Lysterfield Primary School had the colour run. We all had a blast. It was so cool seeing everyone in sooo many bright colours. All the colours were so pretty they were blue purple pink red yellow green and so much more different colours. After we got sprayed with water that was my favourite part because it was a pretty hot day. I got to walk with my friend and I had a great time. The colour run is a fundraiser to raise money by doing laps in a certain amount of time and getting colour on you." Charlie S


"Prep–6 did the colour run on the 10/11/23. The prep–2 did it in the morning and 3–6 did it in the afternoon. It was super fun. LPS got colour on their head and legs. Everyone did heaps of laps. When we finished we had a drink of water. My favourite part was getting loads of colours like red, blue and more. We raised heaps of money." Mason R



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