Grade 2 News

Important Reminders
Sun Smart
As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.
Tuesday, December 5 (@ 5.30 pm): Christmas Songs (whole school)
Wednesday, December 20: Last day of Term. Dismissal at 1.30pm
Learning In Action
Students have worked with persuasive texts, clarifying the difference between facts and opinions. Students enjoyed the mentor text written by Drew Daywalt and illustrated by Oliver Jeffers: The Day the Crayons Quit. Modal verbs were introduced to take note of in persuasive texts and our persuasive writing, e.g. must, will, should.
Our focus words to further enhance the students’ vocabulary have been: identify and discuss. It would be great to take advantage of opportunities that may arise at home where these words can be used in family discussions. This will assist students in building up their vocabulary, as opposed to these words falling back into their passive vocabulary, and forgotten.
We hope you have enjoyed reading and sharing your child's library books throughout the year. The Grade 2 students have now had their final library sessions for 2023. All library books are due back next week. It is important that students return their books. It would be helpful if you can assist your students to look for any unreturned books that may be at home.
Students collected data and looked at the data they collected. They made human graphs and pictographs to represent their findings about class birthdays and shoe types. Students also worked on various subtraction and addition problems to extend their understanding in these areas.
Year 2 students continue to be very excited about Maths Masters. Here is the link to the Maths Masters Belts folder and activities to help your child achieve their next goal. Just click on the relevant coloured belt your child is working on, and find their individual goal to practise.
Students have discussed reasons why we should make a change in Victoria to be more sustainable. Students brainstormed a call of action that could be taken to help encourage others to make a change to be a more sustainable state.
The Year 2 students had an introduction to a tool that they will cover more in the year ahead - Quick Comebacks. These are used when Mean on Purpose behaviour is experienced, e.g. Someone on another sports team points at you and says, “What a baby!”
Students also discussed the antonym to ‘Mean on Purpose’: Kind on Purpose. It was highlighted how important it is to be kind on purpose to others. Science shows that children who are kind on purpose have more friends and are more liked by their peers. Students brainstormed ways of being kind on purpose to others at school.
Preview for Learning
Students will continue working on persuasive pieces of writing. They will be working hard to think of strong and persuasive reasons, to persuade their audience. They will also be looking up and researching information to strengthen their 'call of action' to encourage Victorians to make a change to become more sustainable.
All library books are due back next week. It is important that students return their books. It would be helpful if you can assist your students to look for any unreturned books that may be at home.
Students will revise topics they have worked on this semester.
Students will continue to think about a change they would like to make that will make us a more sustainable state. Students will present their work to their peers.
Students will reflect on their learning this year.
Colour Run Photos