Prep News

Important Reminders
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
- Our Christmas Concert is fast approaching! If you would like to practise at home with your child please click here for the song ‘Happiest Christmas Tree’.
- In the final two weeks of school, we will be completing some Christmas activities. If your child does not celebrate Christmas, please contact your child's teacher so we can provide alternative options.
- The Prep CERES excursion ‘Waste Warriors’ is in less than a week! An email will be sent to families on Monday reminding you what is needed to ensure the day runs smoothly for all involved. In the meantime, here are some quick points:
-Please ensure your child arrives at school at 8:45am for a 9am departure.
-As CERES encourages ‘nude food’, please pack your child a wrapper-free snack and lunch, as well as a drink bottle filled with water.
-Both your child’s snack and lunch can go inside a name-labelled canvas/cloth bag.
-CERES programs are all-weather. Please ensure your child has their hat and other weather-appropriate clothing (e.g. if rain is forecast, a raincoat).
Thank you for your assistance. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Renae Lansdell.
Learning in Action
We have concluded our narrative unit and moved on to persuasive writing. Students have listened to a range of texts and have formed their opinion by stating whether or not they liked them. Students used the word ‘because’ to give reasons/justify their opinion. Students also accepted the challenge to write persuasive pieces about their favourite animal and food. Our vocab words for the fortnight are ‘munching’ and ‘slippery’.
Preview: Students will continue listening to texts and forming opinions. Students will also reflect on our narrative unit and choose one to publish.
Over the past fortnight students have revised addition and subtraction. Students have enjoyed using concrete materials and playing addition and subtraction games to revise their skills. We have also been exploring capacity and have measured containers with unifix to determine which container has the largest capacity. Students have also been persisting by practicing their Maths Masters goals.
Preview: Students will continue revising the topics we have covered this semester.
As our Preps are now confident with the three different types of waste; rubbish, compost and recycling, we spent our session sorting them. We used a game to ensure we didn’t get messy touching real rubbish! Students looked at the images and decided which bin the rubbish should go in, using their classroom posters to help them. There were items such as milk bottles, tin cans, popped balloons, food scraps and more. We hope you’ve noticed the preps using the correct bins at home!
Preview - Next week we will be off on our excursion to CERES!
The past fortnight has seen students focus on the topic ‘Sharing the play space and equipment’. The session involved exploring questions such as ‘Which of the rules in the game help us to play together?’ and ‘What happens if someone takes more of their share of the space?’
Students practiced the skills involved in sharing play spaces and equipment by playing games together. We played ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’, ‘Farmer, Farmer, May We Cross Your River?’ and ‘What’s the Time, Mr Wolf?’
After playing, we talked about whether we felt the games were played fairly and whether space was shared. Students proposed actions to ensure that everyone can share and play together, as well as alongside each other.
Preview: Next week in RRRR, students will explore gender-based bullying at school. We will discuss the impact of these behaviours and practise some assertive responses.
This fortnight we reflected on everything we have learnt about voice this year, and as you can see from the photos we have come a long way!
Preps Presenting…
This fortnight Prep R nominated Aiden to use his voice to share something of his choice. Aiden decided to write and publish a narrative. What a spectacular job he has done with his front cover!
The Very Brave Pokemon by Aiden C
Once upon a time there lived a Pokemon called Pikachu. He lived in Pokemon Land.
One day Pikachu was playing outside. Suddenly the next-door neighbour stole him.
Luckily Pikachu used his electric power on the neighbour. Then Pikachu went back to his house. He lived happily ever after.
Colour Run Photos
Student Awards
We would like to congratulate the following award winners on their achievements!
Please note, you will be notified before your child receives their first award.
Prep B
Prep D
Prep R
Prep L
We would like to wish the following students a very Happy Birthday!
Prep R:
Annabelle: November 17th
Prep D:
Zach: November 15th
Levi: November 24th
Prep L:
Archie: November 22nd
Prep B:
Hunter: November 12th
Bronte Darvidis, Amanda Remington, Jess Bouloukis and Renae Lansdell
Prep Teachers