Student Leaders 2023

School Captains

Castiel White
Kira Storer
Castiel White
Kira Storer

Sport Leaders     

Jayden Harry
Jayden Harry


Learning Leaders    

Michael Tantra
Zoya Salman
Michael Tantra
Zoya Salman


House Leaders                                    

Green - Caitlin Suhr
Green - Milly Jackson
Yellow - Lylah Browne
Yellow - Natalie Bartuccio
Red - Harper Kelly
Red - Morgan Neal
Blue - Emily Cowen
Blue - Kingston Davida
Green - Caitlin Suhr
Green - Milly Jackson
Yellow - Lylah Browne
Yellow - Natalie Bartuccio
Red - Harper Kelly
Red - Morgan Neal
Blue - Emily Cowen
Blue - Kingston Davida

SRC Leaders 

Lex Whitehead
Mahli Tapuai-Tonumaipea
Lex Whitehead
Mahli Tapuai-Tonumaipea

2023 Student Leader Reflections

What have you enjoyed most about being a leader?

Michael- Running events and working with other leaders

Lex- Getting to help the school and talking at assemblies

Castiel- Getting more opportunities and making more friends and students know my name now

Harper- Organising school events

Natalie- The conference in the city

Jayden- Running the teachers verse students games

Lylah- The fun jobs and commitments as well as running assemblies

Kira- Getting to help with events

Zoya- Getting to do different activities and the conference in the city

Milly- Going around and helping the preps and the Mother's and Father's Day stalls

Morgan- Being able to socialise and take responsibility

Mahli- Speaking at assembly

Emily- Helping younger children and families at activities



What advice do you have for the 2024 leader taking on your position?

Michael- Remember to keep on track with other things

Emily- Enjoy it as it goes really fast and take the opportunities that are open and have fun!

Lex- Make sure you are at every SRC meeting and keep up with leadership tasks

Castiel- Keep on pushing, whatever happen shouldn't stop you so make sure you go to the very end and cherish your moments

Harper- Always try your best even when things get hard. You don't have to be perfect

Natalie- Be very enthusiastic towards Yarny and keep the energy going

Jayden- Good luck and have fun!

Lylah- Stay strong, be positive and keep confident

Kira- Don't stress, you will do a great job

Zoya- Be organised with your free time

Milly- Listen to other peoples suggestions and don't stress about speaking at assembly as you will get used to it

Morgan- Encourage Wimba and have confidence

Mahli - Try getting used to speaking fluently in front of big crowds

House Points

Here are the house points for this fortnight:

4th Place: Woorruk (Green)– 1374

3rd Place: Wimba (Red) – 1393

2nd Place: Yarny (Yellow) 1397

1st Place: - Tunparrim (Blue)– 1482


Well done to Tunparrim (Blue) House!