Sustainable snapshot

By Miss Dunstan

Sustainable Christmas ideas

The festive season is upon us and it can be an incredibly wasteful time of year. You may find your bins overflowing throughout December so here are some tips to help you manage waste this festive season. 


*Wrapping paper - most wrapping paper is not recyclable. Avoid putting this in your recycling bin as this will cause contamination. 

Consider: Wrapping presents in newspaper, brown paper or fabric to be reused. 

*Plastic presents to useful gifts - If you are stuck on a gift idea swap out the plastic toys for a book instead. Go Op Shopping and find the perfect book for less than $5. 

*Food waste - At this time of year the food is bountiful. Avoid buying excess to your needs. If you do have leftovers, consider freezing them or make a meal plan to use them up. If you are unable to eat or freeze it then remember to place any food scraps into the Food & Organic Waste Bin - The Green lid/brown bin from the City of Casey.