Principal's Message

Linda Buckeridge: Principal 

End of Year Extravaganza Monday 11th Dec - Amphitheatre/Synthetic Oval 4.15 - 5.45pm

All students are expected to attend our Extravaganza and participate in the performances classes are preparing.

BYO chairs, picnic rugs and snacks.

Students are asked to wear Christmas attire and we encourage families to join in the festivities too, with a touch of Christmas in your outfits!! See you there!

Student Transition Sessions

A reminder that students will find out their 2024 class teacher and class mates on Monday 11th December, followed by a second 2024 class session on Tuesday 12th December.

Student transition sessions will end with a final session on Tuesday 19th December 9am-2pm.

Welcome to new staff for 2024

We would like to welcome to the team for 2024 the following staff members:


Nichole Bell – Class Teacher

Melissa Webster – Class Teacher

Tom Medhurst - Education Support

Belinda Muller – Education Support

Abbey O’Shannessy - Education Support

We are very excited to welcome these staff to the Hillsmeade family.


We will farewell our staff that are leaving at the Extravaganza.

Christmas Raffle

Have you bought your tickets for the Christmas Raffle??!! $2.00 a ticket and it will be drawn at the Extravaganza!

Week 12 Arrangements for Students

Last Day of the Year: Tuesday 19th December – 2.30pm dismissal

All students finish at 2.30pm on this day. 

OSHC will be available

Wednesday 20th December – Whole School Curriculum Day – no students to attend.

OSHC unavailable

Curriculum Days for 2024 - Lock these dates in your diary now!

  1. Monday 29th January
  2. Wednesday 22nd May
  3. Tuesday 13th August
  4. Wednesday 27th November
  5. Friday 20th December

First Day for Students 2024

Monday January 29th - Staff return.

Tuesday January 30th - Students in Years 1-6 return.

Friday 2nd February - All Prep students attend their first day.

(Prep students will attend for 1:1 sessions with their teachers on either 30/1, 31/1 or 1/2 - allocated times to be distributed)

Mobile Phones in 2024

I would like all families to please be aware that in 2024 the Department are re-enforcing the Mobile Phone ban in schools.

For more information please visit this website: Mobile phones in schools | (

At Hillsmeade PS mobile phones should not be at school and if they are, they should be handed into staff for safe keeping. Students should not be using mobile phones or smart watches on any school premises.

If students require adult assistance for any matter they need to seek out the relevant staff member that can assist them eg. class teacher or school first aid officer.

Please note that we will be following the Department's direction and having a focus on mobile phone use from day one 2024.

More information will be provided in an upcoming 2024 newsletter page.

OSHC and Long Day Care fees for 2024 and beyond

Please be aware that School Council have approved an increase in fees commencing at the start of 2024. 

These services have not had a fee increase for at least 7 years and in line with current trends regarding ongoing expenses to run such programs, we have made the necessary decision to increase fees. 

Shiona Watson will be sharing further details with our HPS, ELC and OSHC community through the Xplor App notifications regarding these increases, this week.

We thank you in advance for your support of our programs and your understanding.

Thank you School Council

We had our final meeting for 2023 this week and I would like to thank all Council members for their dedication to the ongoing commitment to the constant improvement of Hillsmeade PS. A special thank you to Lisa Holmes who has confidently led as our President for 2023.

 A special mention also to our two School Captains, Castiel and Kira, who have attended every meeting to provide a student leader and whole school student report. As this was the first year we have had students on the Council I’d like to congratulate them on their efforts and share my appreciation for their contribution each month.

Farewell Year 6s and Families

As we speak our Year 6 cohort are enjoying one of their final activities at primary school - Urban Camp. They have lots of wonderful memories of their primary school adventures that have been reflected in their impressive scrapbooks I was able to view on Monday. I want to wish each one of our Year 6 students all the best on their next step of their schooling journey and encourage you all to stay in touch. To the families that are leaving us this year - thank you for your ongoing support and passion for all things Hillsmeade and your dedication to the ongoing success of your child/children. We also wish you well for the future. I look forward to celebrating with you all at your Graduation next Monday.

Thank You!

I would like to sincerely thank the Hillsmeade PS community for another fantastic year!

We have achieved so much together and I am so proud of our students. 2023 has definitely been busy! We have had a wide range of school events including the Colour run, BookWeek, Education Week, Footy Day, Easter Parade, RUOK Day, Harmony Day, Father’s/Mother’s and Special Others breakfasts, School production, Family Fun Night, Meet the Teacher, Parent Teacher Interviews, Year 4 camp, Year 6 camp, Year 2 day camp, year level excursions and incursions and SO MUCH MORE!

THEN.... on top of all that, our regular day to day teaching and learning opportunities for all of our students!

So, please take the time these holidays to reflect with your children on a truly wonderful year of school.

A huge thank you also to our positive and committed staff, for always putting the students first in all we do.

I cannot wait to do it all again in 2024!

I want to wish you all a happy and safe break and look forward to seeing everyone at the start of Term 1 in 2024. 

Take care