P & F News
P & F News
St. Fidelis families – only 2 weeks of school left to go! What a fast term this has been, and we look forward to finishing it with the colour fun run and Christmas carol celebrations!
Please see below for further information. Thank you.
Icy Pole Friday – every Friday for only $1 each
Colour Fun Run – Friday 8th December
P&F AGM – Monday 11th December 7 pm (staffroom)
Christmas Carol Evening – Thursday 14th December
Christmas Raffle – Thursday 14th December
If you ordered artwork from Crazy Camel, the expected delivery for the items is this coming week. Your child will receive their items in a package via their classroom teacher.
To those families who ordered, thank you for your support with this fundraiser.
On Friday, 8th December, the St. Fidelis students will have an AMAZINGLY FUN day participating in the Colour Fun Run. Families, please jump online https://myprofilepage.com.au/ (Australian Fundraising) to create your child/s profile. On this page, children can create profiles that they can share with loved ones to receive monetary donations towards this event. The more money the children raise, the more prizes they can earn. The ‘colour run’ will take place in the Hawthorn Yard from 2:15pm – 3:15pm. Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend – we look forward to seeing you there. If you have any further questions/concerns about this event, please contact Bec Koutivas at bterra86@gmail.com Thank you.
On Thursday, 14th December, our children will be bringing the Christmas spirit to St. Fidelis with their wonderful singing of carols. This evening will be a great way for our St. Fidelis community to finish off 2023. There will be a sausage sizzle, Christmas raffle, lucky dip and a Village Bakery stall.
VOLUNTEER ASSISTANCE required to run the sausage sizzle – please see below flyer for further information. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Last week, each family should have received their raffle tickets for our annual end-of-year Christmas raffle. Tickets are only $1 each and will put you in the draw to win some fantastic prizes. The raffle will be drawn at the Christmas carol evening (Thursday 14th December). Please clearly name each raffle ticket and return it with your money to the school office before 9 am, Friday 8th December. Don’t forget to sell tickets to your family and friends too. And should you require any extra tickets, please collect a spare booklet from the school office. Good luck and thank you for your support with this annual fundraiser.
The P&F will be closing in 2023 with our end-of-year annual general meeting (AGM). We welcome and encourage parents to attend so that you can celebrate with us the amazing effort and commitment of our school community.
The meeting will commence at 7 pm in the school staffroom. We hope to see you there!
THANK-YOU for taking the time to stay updated with the P & F NEWS!
Please, if you have any ideas to help with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, are able to provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact:
JOSIE SERVELLO - 0421 076 580 josieservello@gmail.com