Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 10 Term 4

St Fidelis' School is committed to the care, wellbeing and protection of children, young people and vulnerable people in our community. 


Dear Parents and Carers,


What a wonderful celebration and blessing and opening of our new STEM Innovation Resource Centre. Thank you to Father Linh for taking the time to attend and to the whole school community for supporting the fundraising for such a wonderful learning space for our children. 

Uniform update 

I have been advised by PSW that all items of uniform will be available from 7/1/2024 except for the Bonded Jacket that will be available from the13/1/2024. 


2/283 Rex Road, Campbellfield, 3061

03 9768 0337

Trading Hours

Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm

Saturday 9 am - 4 pm

Sunday Closed

School Closed Wednesday, December 6th

On Wednesday, the staff will engage in a Professional Learning Day facilitated by Kath Murdoch. It is an opportunity  to:

  • do some curriculum auditing on the inquiries we have worked on in 2023.
  • analyse some of the students' feedback about inquiries they have  found most engaging and why.
  • consider school-based, community and global events or challenges that might lend themselves to providing a context for inquiry for the year ahead. 

This is an essential process to ensure we are covering the Victorian Curriculum and we are making learning relevant to our students and the context in which they live. 


Curriculum Overviews are shared at the beginning of each term in the Newsletter for all families. Each week in the WHAT'S HAPPENING IN OUR LEARNING SPACES section you are able to read what your child is learning each week. 

Final School Advisory Board Meeting for 2023 -7 pm Tuesday 

The final School Advisory Board Meeting for 2023, will be held on Tuesday at 7:00pm.

Christopher Archibald and Julie Fam, (current board members since the start of my time at St Fidelis) will be stepping down as their last child is completing Year 6.  I’d like to thank them for their dedicated service and valuable contributions to our board. Their leadership has been instrumental, and we appreciate the impact they have made. I wish them, their children and their families all the best in the future.

Final Parents & Friends' AGM for 2023 Monday, December 11th 

The Parents and Friends' group, supports the building of our learning community through numerous social and fundraising events. Please come to the Annual General Meeting this Monday, December 11th at 6:30 pm.  Come and meet new friends, and enjoy some nibbles and drinks to celebrate our achievements in 2023. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!

Whole School Transition  Monday 11th December -Some food for thought

Next Monday, your child will meet their new teacher for 2024. I just want to reiterate that the teachers spend many, many hours going over the class groupings. Teachers consider the children's social and emotional needs, learning needs, and relationships with other children and staff.


At these times we must trust that each teacher and the leadership team at St. Fidelis, knows and cares for your child. They have worked tirelessly on these class groupings to ensure each child will flourish in 2024.


As parents, you play a very important role in how your child views the changes in 2024.


A positive parent will reassure that any new change will be a blessing - an opportunity to foster new relationships and learn from a teacher who will support and care for them. These parents will find that their child develops resilience - an essential life skill for adult life.


As a parent, you have a choice - do I speak glowingly of the changes that my child faces, or will I model disappointment and anguish with my child? 


We are excited about what 2024  will bring for our school, community, and especially the children in our care. 


Monday Dec 4thFirst Lego league -Fun Field excursion
Tuesday Dec 5th7:00pm School Advisory Board 
Wednesday Dec 6thSchool Closure Day
Thursday Dec 7th Year 3/4 Kids Helpline Online Webinar
Friday Dec 8thColour Fun Run
Saturday Dec 9th

Year Six Graduation Mass 4:00 pm

Year SIx Awards 5:00pm

Year Six  Celebration 6:30pm 

Monday 11th Dec

Transition to new class 

P&F AGM 7:00pm

Year 3/4 Incursion

Tuesday 12th Dec Reports 
Wednesday 13th Dec Year Six Bounce Excursion
Thursday 14th Dec

Whole School Christmas Carols

Sausage sizzle 5:00pm 

Christmas Carols 7:00pm

Friday 15th Dec

End Of Year Mass 9:15

End of Year Assembly 10:00am 

School Finishes for 2023  @ 3:30pm



Monday  January 29th Teachers Begin 
Tuesday January 30thTeachers Professional learning 
Wednesday February 1stYears One - SIx students begin School 8:50am 

Thursday February 2nd


Foundation 2024 Students begin

Existing Families 8:50 start

New Families 9:15am start 


There are still a number of families with outstanding fees and families who have their last child leaving at the end of 2023 who have NOT finalised their school fees. Can you please finalise all payments this week (unless a prior arrangement has been made with myself.) 


Thank you to all the families who have paid their fees in full.  Our school does rely on School Fees for many recurrent costs so prompt payment is appreciated.


Please call the office and speak to Ann Russo who can arrange credit card payment over the phone or alternatively, if you prefer to pay by direct debit, please use the bank details below.  If any families need to discuss alternative arrangements for the payment of fees, please contact me directly.


Included are the bank details for your ease of payment:

CDF:                            (Catholic Development Fund) 

ACCOUNT:                65 603 6380

REF:                             Childs Name Fee Account Number

ACCOUNT TO:         St Fidelis Primary School



Have a lovely week,
