Year 9 Health Promotion

Creating an engaging Health Expo for a Year 7 audience
Each Year 9 Health class has finished the year by creating their own Health Promotion campaign. This involved showcasing their campaign through facilitating a Health Expo for a Year 7 class. The unit commenced with Year 9s brainstorming health issues that students experience during adolescence.
In small groups, the students chose an issue they were interested in that was appropriate for 12–13-year-olds and then created a survey to collect data on the Year 7 cohort. They analysed and interpreted the data they gathered and then created a ‘pitch’, which they presented to their peers. The class then chose the health issue they felt was most needed throughout the Year 7 cohort.
Our class decided to focus on Healthy Eating. The students worked together in naming the campaign Thrive Life, with the slogan Healthy Food, Healthy Mood. The classwere passionate about teaching balance, whilst also highlighting the importance of consuming a variety of nutritious foods daily.
The expo was introduced and facilitated by the Master of Ceremonies, Dara Millington. Oliver Power, Dominic Franceschini and Nima Entezami created a video of an informative interview about the important of balance and nutrition. Eamon Mclaughlin and Kaylan Thai facilitated a very competitive but educational Blooket quiz. Amelia Clarke, Gaby Fryer and Astrid Lambert created their own juice company, along with the recipe and logo. It was delicious, the Year 7s enjoyed their free samples! Kadesha Neville, Ede Ashton and Nox Bray created the campaign’s mascot, Sally the Balanced Bodied Seal along with a delicious low FODMAP cake recipe. The students love sampling the delicious cake! Xavier Boyle created an engaging website which showcased a lot of the work of the Thrive Life Campaign. Amon Cameron and Tom Coulter wrote a newsletter article that included some easy but tasty recipes that the Year 7s could try cooking at home. Astrid Lambert, Frida Dimovski-Obregon, Nell Edgar, Rosita Curmi and Leo Cooped designed and created a fantastic billboard, along with an interactive game. Justin NG created an informative infographic that looked very professional. The Year 7s loved playing Micah Wagner’s board game and enjoyed reading Olive Sloan’s Fun Facts about fruit and vegetables.
Well done Year 9s! I am SO impressed with your efforts. What a great way to finish the year!
~Emma Hales