University of Melbourne Maths Competition

Prize for independent research in Mathematics and Statistics
The University of Melbourne Mathematics and Statistics Research Competition is an annual event in which students are challenged to conduct independent research in mathematics and statistics. The students then have to present their findings as a formal mathematical paper. This paper is then assessed by a team of university academics and the top five are selected for a prize.
Year 11 students Matthew Ross and Khoi Nguyen wrote a fantastic paper on the various patterns resulting from picking flowers in a precisely described garden. Their paper was selected as a finalist from hundreds of candidates, meaning Matthew and Khoi won a cash prize, and were given the opportunity to present their research at a finals event held at the University. Students from across the state presented some very high-level mathematics. Unfortunately, our Northcote students were not able to secure the top prize for the overall winner. Nonetheless, Matthew and Khoi deserve huge congratulations for their efforts, and all they have achieved and discovered over the course of their entry.
Khoi kindly spoke to a class of Year 8 students recently and had this advice:
The key to success in mathematics is to be able to be comfortable with getting frustrated when faced with challenges. Enjoying mathematics is very helpful, because perseverance is important - keep doing the practice, because this is required to become a great mathematician.
Khoi and Matthew have expressed an interest to investigate the mathematics of the other finalists’ papers in their own time, and are keen to be involved in more research projects in the future.
~Reuben Malcolm and Kodie Neilson