From the Library

Last Call for Ripples Orders
Ripples, the school yearbook is one of the longest continuous running publications in Victorian State Schools.
The 2023 Ripples is currently being finalised and is available for order on Compass, where it is listed as an opt-in event in the action centre, on your family account. Printed copies cost $15 and orders are due by 4pm Thursday 30 November.
The hard copy Ripples magazines will be available to take home in early December 2023. Families and students will be advised when the hard copies arrive so that they can be collected from the library.
Please note: All students will be able to access a digital (PDF) version of the Ripples magazine once it is published at no cost.
Please return your overdue books before the end of term
Please remember to return any overdue items so they can be made available to other students. We currently have 360 overdue items.
If you require additional time for an item, please come and see library staff and we can renew your item/s. If you have lost or misplaced items let us know. You will not be penalised in any way; we just prefer to know so we can update the library record and replace any high demand items.
Missing items often turn up during the end of year clean up and locker clear out.
Holiday borrowing will commence soon.
Happy reading!