Week 9 Podcast : Interview with Mia Schumann Gross.



The Fun in Year One


In reading groups this week we have been reading plays, putting on a prop and portraying a character. We have loved this. In science we have been learning about forces and this week we did an experiment, take a look at our experiment in action. 


Today we celebrated an amazing year in Year One with our Fun Day (there was even no work... shhh don't tell Mr Clery). 

Only 6 more school days to go. 


We wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas.



What a way to end the term! Year 5 had the most wonderful time preparing for our end of year performance and we loved dancing on stage (with Tina!) and we were ‘Simply the Best’. We really enjoyed watching the other grades do their dances, there are a lot of super talented teachers we have at this school. Everyone did an amazing job! 


With only a few more days to go, the countdown is on for us to be the new leaders at St Nicholas Primary School! We cannot wait for the challenges and opportunities next year will bring us. We hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday and a very Merry Christmas.