A message from David 

Principal's Report

Community Connection

Our introduction of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) initiative has been nothing short of impressive.  Our students have shown tremendous commitment towards upholding the core values of Box Hill North in our community.  Most importantly, I have seen such pride in students when receiving tokens for demonstrating one of the values, matched by the staff when they attribute this to a student.  Collectively, the students have earned the entire school and kindergarten, a special day.  My sincere gratitude to our community for actively supporting this initiative and I really look forward to the students of Box Hill North celebrating in their achievement tomorrow.


Student Leadership 2024

This week, many students have shown courage beyond their years, presenting to peers and staff for School and House Captain positions.  The quality of each speech was exceptional.  Students clearly spent considerable time reflecting on their personal journey and what they could offer in terms of leading their community through such roles.  Congratulations to all.  Regardless of outcome, each and every one of you should be proud of your commitment, confidence and integrity towards making a positive difference.  School and House Captains will be announced shortly.


Japan 2024

Sensei Martin and I met with 20 eager students from Years 4 and 5 as part of the decision making process for our planned trip to Japan next year.  The maturity and thoughtfulness from each of these students completely exceeded expectations.  They showed genuine insight into why they would like to be part of this experience, connecting their learning in the classroom with Sensei with the potential to make dreams become reality.  I am proud to announce that each of the 20 student who put their name forward have been selected to tour with us in October next year.  


2024 Preparation

Our transition program continues to provide opportunity for students to ‘Step Up’ into their next stage of learning.  It is used as an opportunity to explore similarities and differences with a focus on building confidence for 2024.  Our next session is tomorrow morning with lots of fun and engaging activities planned.  Students will have opportunity to meet their class and teacher for 2024 on Tuesday 12th December.

