Principal's Message

From the Desk of Tracey Parsons - Term 4, Week 7

Good Morning, 

So close and yet so far. This is the time when we ALL need to stop, take a deep breath and check our behaviour, as Week 7 is usually the time when the “wheels fall off” they say. 


With so many great things happening over the next 3 weeks we all need to make sure we participate in these great things, and not miss out because our behaviour is not 100%. Unfortunately, I’ve had to have conversations with some but it’s also great to see that these talks are rare, and MOST are showing excellent behaviour at all times.



Swim School has started well, and the children involved had a great first lesson yesterday. Please remember that swim school participation is compulsory for those who have been chosen.  If you wish for your child to NOT participate, please bring in a note.

The weather is going to be stormy and unsettled all week but please remember to bring in your swimming gear every day no matter what the weather. 



Healthy Harold is visiting us this week. K-2 and 2/3 had their visits yesterday, 4/5 today, and Year 6 tomorrow. Visits from Harold are always lots of fun and the children always leave the van with big smiles on their faces.



Don’t forget Presentation Day is on Tuesday 5th December at the Werris Creek Public School Hall. The presentation will start at 9:30am sharp and children are to wear FULL summer uniform. All parents and their families are welcome to attend.


Oh well, I think it’s time to start the countdown to the end of the year. There are only around 19 SCHOOL DAYS until the end of the term. I know that may sound like an eternity for some (year 6) but believe me it will be gone in a flash.




Mrs P

Relieving Principal