Principal's Piece 

God's Love and Care for All

Term 4, Week 11

Dear Parents and Carers,


Special thanks to our families who attended our Learning Celebration afternoon/evening on Thursday. It's always a great opportunity to vist  children's classrooms, which enabled students to share their classroom efforts with their families. Our children are always so proud to have family visit and share their learning experiences with them. It was also an opportunity for teachers to thank parents  for their efforts in supporting their child/ren's learning throughout the year.  As seen below, our year five students were also 'rewarded' with a fishing rod courtesy of  a state governement intiaitive. Still attempting to see the connection between education and fishing myself. 


School Reports are now also available via  COMPASS.


Year 6 Graduation: Next Thursday we farewell our Year six students at their Graduation Ceremony. The evening commences for our year six students and staff with a light dinner at school and then the graduation moves to the church for ceremony,commencing at 7.00pm, where students are acknowledged for their primary school efforts. We also say goodbye to a number of year six families and families from other grades who leave Our Lady’s at the end of this year. We wish all these children and their families all the very best for their futures.


Carols Night: the final  touches for our Carols night are now complete and the weather gods are shining on us for next Tuesday's Carols. Gates open at 5.30pm so bring along something to eat and enjoy some Christmas festivities.





Take Care and remember only 16 days till Christmas !!!

